Chapter 45: In a Daze

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Jennie POV

Rosé and Lisa were acting a little weird during lunch. Rosé would look at Lisa a certain way and lisa would smack her or stick the middle finger at her. It was fun to watch but odd.

Prom is in 5 days and Lisa and I haven't talked about what we were gonna do that day. Im gonna ask her after she's done with her call with her mom.

Lisa sighed in frustration after she hung up and flopped herself on the couch.

"What happened Lis?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

"My mom said that we're gonna have dinner today at 6:00 PM with my dad but, with his new girlfriend and her daughter." Lisa said as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

"What's so wrong with that?" I asked and rested my head on her shoulder.

"It's not gonna be a family dinner. It's gonna be a families dinner because there is two different surnames," Lisa said as she emphasized the word 'families'

"And it kind of makes me sad but life isn't always rainbows and unicorns." Lisa fake laughed and intertwined our hands together.

"Hey but at least you're gonna meet you're father again. Remember when you told me you guys got along well?" I said trying to shine some positivity towards the situation. I looked at Lisa and saw a tiny smile on her face as she looked at the ground.

"Yes, we got along really well. I remember the memories we had with my mom like when we got ice cream every Friday after my day of kindergarten and after their day of work." Lisa said still with that tiny smile. I rubbed my thumb on the back of her palm and said, "You see. Who knows maybe you guys can do something similar like that someday."

"Maybe, I hope so." Lisa said and turned her head to face me then she placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Lisa, what are we doing on the day of prom? We haven't talked about it yet." I asked Lisa and her eyes bulged out of her head and she broke our eye contact almost immediately. Now that was the weirdest thing she did today.

"I don't know yet, but we should get ready for the dinner." Lisa stood up and quickly walked up stairs. And I followed her suspicious self upstairs.


Lisa POV

"Here it is, the restaurant they wanted to meet at." I said to Jennie as I parked my car. We were in formal clothes because the restaurant we went to was a fancy restaurant, and it happened to be one of the restaurants my dad owns.

"I'm so excited to meet more of your family!" Jennie squealed and quickly hopped out of the car.

Damn she must be really excited, I chuckled and shook my head. Then I followed the girl inside the restaurant.

"Wow this is my first time coming to one of my dads restaurants." I whispered to Jennie as we walked to the counter and she looked at me with a wow look.

"Your dad owns this?! It's so pretty in here! Like look at the lights!" Jennie basically screamed while pointing at the hanging ceiling lights. I bowed down to everyone around us that heard Jennie fangirling.

"Sorry I just got excited." Jennie said while facepalming herself.

"It's fine baby, Hi yes reservation for two." I told the lady at the counter and she guided us to our seats.
As the lady guided us, I realized that my dad does have some style when it comes to designing his restaurants. There were pretty soft red couches and beautiful brown chairs next to the view of the city. I lowkey wanted to stay there forever because how beautiful the view was.

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