Chapter 38: Family Bonding

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Jisoo POV

"No! I am not going to get out! Now answer my question! What is so bad about Lisa?!" I shouted at Lisa's mom. My arm hairs were standing on their own because I was infuriated by Chitthip's reaction to her own daughters name.

"Jisoo! Your aunt told you to get out!" Chitthip shrieked as she was still pointing at the front door. Okay now I'm thinking she is crazy because she just referred to herself in a 3rd person point of view.

"Answer my question then I'll leave!" I yelled as I tried to make a deal with her.

"No! Get out!"

"At least a couple words for an answer please Chitthip!" I begged with my hands together as I stood up. She let her hand fall down to her side and her eyes grew soft. Her lips started trembling as she looked at the ground.

"Nothing is bad about her... everything is bad about me.." She began crying and I was wide eyed looking at her having a break down. I gave her a few seconds to see if she would carry on and she did.

"I- I shouldn't have been so mean to her! Now look at me! I'm here alone! No husband! No kids! No nothing! I am nothing." Chitthip said as she grew from screaming to talking normally. My heart ached as I saw my poor aunt spilled her feelings out. Now that I think of it, she probably hasn't talked to anyone like this in a while.

"There! Is that what you wanted?! Now leave! You got your damn answer!!" She screamed as her tears were running down her pale hurting face. I was left speechless after what I just heard so I walked out of  her house. I called an Uber to take me back to Lisa's house.

As I was waiting for the Uber I thought about what chitthip said.

Nothing is bad about her

I shouldn't have been so mean

I am nothing

Her comments echoing in my head.

She must really must regret treating Lisa that way. I think she knows what she's missing out on now. And what if she turned to drugs because she couldn't handle the guilt of abusing Lisa?



I fall out of my thoughts as I heard my ubers horn went off. I got in and sat down in the backseat.

"Where are you headed ma'am?" The lady asked as I put on my seat belt. I then gave her the address to my cousins house and she nodded and drove off.


When we arrived to Lisa's house, I handed her money and thanked her for the ride. The driver wished me well and proceeded to drive off when I got out of the car.

Lisa and Jennie shouldn't be home yet because it's barely 10:30 and I left at 7:30ish and plus they get out of school at 3:00 pm. I unlocked the house with a key Lisa gave me and as expected, no one was home.

"Should I tell lisa about today?" I ask myself. I do better thinking when I talk out out. After a long considerable amount of time I came to a conclusion.

"I think I should because chitthip sounded guilty and full of regret for what she did to Lisa so that might make Lisa consider meeting her mother again." I nodded as I thought about the positives of this situation.


Lisa POV

As I was driving Jennie and I home, she was telling me about her mom and dads business. It was the Korea Electric Power Corporation and she told me that it's one of the biggest companies in South Korea. And that just made me more nervous to meet them because if Jennie grew up with successful people like them, wouldn't she want to end up with someone like that? And I don't think I'm that someone that could own a big company like her parents but I know Jennie truly loves me so she'll
stay with me even if I only had a penny in my pocket.

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