Chapter 11: Good morning.

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Rosé POV:

I woke up to the smell of alcohol and the weight and heat of someone's arm and body pressing against my back and waist.
I turn slowly and silently to see who the person was because I forgot everything that happened after the club and how I even got in this bed.

When I fully turned around I saw Jisoo.
Her perfect pinkish reddish heart shaped lips were glistening because the sun was shining brightly down on Jisoo's face through the light gray thin curtains. Her hair was perfectly messy and her other arm was under her pillow supporting her head.

What the fuck, how could someone be this beautiful? I thought to myself while touching her messy pretty hair.

I notice that we're still wearing the clothes we went to the club in. I also realize that this is how I felt when I first met Irene. And that scared me because I don't want to go through that again.

I see Jisoo's eyes slowly open and I panicked.

"Aww goodmorning. We're you staring at me cutie?" She taunted and smiled and closed her eyes again.

"Uh u- no I was uh-" I stuttered and blushed.

"No it's fine I like it." She stops me mid-sentence and softly laughs while her eyes were still closed.

She resumes to cuddling me. She was the big spoon and I was the little spoon.
We were cuddling like a couple.

Lisa POV:

I wake up to Jennie rolling on top of me. She started kissing my neck and running her hands through my hair. I smile with my eyes closed.

"What's up baby?" I ask putting my arms around her.

"I'm hungryyy" Jennie whined with her face in my neck.

"I'll make bacon, eggs and waffles then." What I said made Jennie quickly sit on my crouch and puts her hands on my shoulders so she can stay balanced.

"Aww really baby?" She squeals and showing her gummy smile while looking down at me.

I always get butterflies when she makes smiles like that.

"Yes babygirl. Let me get Jisoo and Rosé." I look at the clock next to me.

"What the hell? Its 12:24 pm?!" I shout because I was shocked at how late it was. Jennie gets off of me and is shocked too.

"Oh my god! Wow it's late." Jennie Agrees with me and is equally shocked with me.

"Catch me if you can!" Jennie says and hops off the bed and runs down the stairs. She was wearing a huge t-shirt that made her look like she was wearing no pants and it was flowing in the wind when she started running.

She's so cute and perfect. I need to make her my wife.

"Baby I'm the top of course I can!" I yell as soon as she exits the room. You guys know I'm a basketball player so this is a piece of cake. I run out of the room with just a sports bra and basketball shorts.

"I'm on your ass baby!" I say as soon as I'm behind Jennie running down the stairs.

"AHH!" Jennie screams when she sees me reaching out for her because she's filled with adrenaline and fear.

I grab Jennies arm and toss her on my right shoulder. "You see baby. I got your ass!" I laugh and slap her ass playfully.

"Ouch baby that hurt." Jennie laughs and rubs the spot on her butt where I slapped.

I place her on the counter and kiss her before I get the ingredients out. As soon I'm getting the ingredients I remember Jisoo and Rosé and are still asleep in the same bed.

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