Epilogue - I'm Not Dead!

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I walked down the clear and pristine halls, anxiety like a pit in my stomach, gnawing at me. I was okay, everything was fine. This was one time and one time only. I entered the hall full of tables until I found the person I was looking for and was escorted over.

"Hi," was all I could say because if I said anymore I may have thrown up. Anymore conversation depended on if he would reply.

"Hi," was all he seemed to say too. His dark hair was shorter now. His eyes, though tired looking, we're finally full of life and hope. He had definitely started working out, but I didn't feel threatened by his structured. I had no bad vibes or feelings radiating off of him. Though when I first met him I hadn't had those feelings anyways so I was cautious.

"Life's been treating you well," he told me, looking me up and down before I could start. He took his time to take in my image. My hair, still long and pink, but lighter and styled, my make up was neatly done. I wore a white summer dress and sneakers, just to appear classy but casual. As if I thought my appearance would matter.

"It's amazing what happens when your life isn't threatened," I replied flatly before I could stop myself. Niko looked to the table in defeat. "Sorry, I don't know quite how to act right now."

"It's okay, neither do I. I can't exactly just say sorry, can I?" He scoffed and picked at his sleeve, his leg bouncing beneath us.

"I mean, it doesn't hurt," I shrugged. "It has been ten years."

"People get longer than that in prison for attempted murder," he sighed.

"Which is where'd you'd be if the deal didn't work," I smiled.


"But true."

"Yeah, I deserve that," he looked back up into my eyes,

"You look good, Niko," I told him. "Relaxed."

"Anti-psychotics does that to you," he joked. "Also being away from my father."

"You're welcome," I tried not to laugh nervously. "Has he visited?"

"Only my brother."

"How are they all doing?"

"They're staying well away from you, if that's what you want to hear," He turned to the window. "Brother says he won't let anyone watch one of your father's movies."

"I wondered why his ratings were down," I joked and sighed. "I feel like there's no point asking how life is seeing as this is it."

"It's good actually," he replied contented. "Life is chill and there are no expectations. The anger comes along and they give you meds, never been so happy."

"But is it working though?"

"You mean do I still want to kill you and everyone in my path?"

I shifted uncomfortably.

"I don't." He smiled, like, genuinely. "I have everything I could want here. Doing some music too. And a girlfriend in case you're afraid that I'm still obsessed with you."

"A girlfriend in here?"

"In for heroin and stuff."

"Poor girl, that's not easy to come off of."

"It is when you got booked into here with all the money you made selling it."

"You sound very happy."

"And so do you," He pointed at the emerald ring on my finger. "Nice rock. I would've picked a diamond."

"Well, Hikaru knows that I prefer green."

"So, you really chose him?"

"Well, did hold me in a pool of my own blood and stayed by my side through PTSD insanity."


"It's all good now. The wedding is in a month."

"Does he know you're here?"

"He trusts me."

Niko relaxed a little more into his seat, so did how.

"So how's that pesky club of yours? Still going?"

"You'd think it would be," I chuckled. "It lasted well into college. I went off to Harvard thinking I'd escaped. A year later, when they've all been studying at Ouran College, guess who all come out to America?"

"Did they really?"

"Haruhi was doing an International year at Harvard, and the rest of them came over, including Hikaru. That made me happy. We weren't a club at that point but still good friends."

"So what happened to them?"

"Haruhi and Tamaki got together."


"They have a kid now, just. Hunni met this girl who actually went to our high school. More found someone for him. Kyoya is dating someone and Kaoru is having a good time looking for the special person."


"I forget about her constantly. My brother's married to that FBI agent who took over your father's finances that time."

"Oh good for them!" He stared at me for a moment. "Did you get it?"


"What you wanted? Your life?"

"I mean I planned to study Environmental sciences and now I'm an environmental lawyer? And an actress and advocate for the environment. And I'm with a guy who stood with me through everything. So yeah, I think I got everything I wanted, even if it didn't turn out how I expected."

"You're happy."

"I really am."

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