21 - Masked Deceit

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A faint knock at my door awoke me from a deep sleep I didn't even know I was in. I looked around the room, extremely disorientated, wondering where the hell all my stuff was until I remembered. I groaned and slowly got up, making sure to do it carefully. When I reached the door, I remembered this was not my own home, and I no longer trusted anyone on the other side of a door in this house.

"Who is it?" I asked cautiously.

"It's Daichi, ma'- Rin," a deep voice murmured through the door. "I was sent to collect you."

I opened the door, relieved to see someone I didn't despise. "I thought they'd send maids to fetch me or something."

"Well, not when I've been assigned to you," he told me with complete seriousness.

"You haven't, have you?!" I gaped, not knowing whether to be happy it was him, or sad I was going to be constantly followed by security.

"Just saw Mr Ootori. He spoke to my Senior Apparently he was told that you chose to speak to me." he said.

I was surprised Mr Ootori would even consider taking time out to ensure I liked the security. I guessed he was making sure I wouldn't complain and cause a problem by reacting badly.

"Huh, I didn't think he'd care that much," I shrugged, "Though he'll have you as his eyes and ears to survey me."

"He did tell me to report on any phone conversions or visitors you have," he whispered, knowing this would make me mad. "And you're to tell me if you've texted anyone outside the boundaries he's set you."

"For godsake!" I cried out, but then I saw Daichi's face which was nervous enough already for his first job as solo security, so I backed down. "Fine, I'll oblige for now. If he thinks I obey then he won't see me disobeying."

"You're planning to disobey his orders?" Daichi asked, slightly shocked.

"Pfft, not yet anyway. I mean there's nothing I can do, despite telling Hollywood I was stabbed by my psycho ex belonging to the mafia that made my dad's career. But I think that's a little too overboard for them. Like all female victims, I won't be heard until the right moment."

I smiled at Daichi but he looked at me with sorry eyes before I scowled at him for doing so.

So he switched topics, which I applauded him for. At least he knew how to distract me. "You're being called downstairs for dinner shortly."

"Right, they give security all the important jobs, don't they?" I scoffed but Daichi didn't say anymore, still proving his loyalty to his employers.

I turned to my closet and opened it, trying to find something nice to wear. Not because I wanted to be nice. But my plan was to make them think I was compliant and mature, that way I may be able to gain freedom of some kind. Deceit was all I had left in this family. You could either play the fool or make them the fool, and I would play it until I could turn it back on them. Back on all of them.

After I had changed into a baby-blue dress, I shoved on Hikaru's black hoodie because I was freezing. I opened the door, where Daichi stood outside waiting for me and I twirled in front of him.

"Not too shabby for a stabbed girl, right?" I joked. He gave me a small smile and a nod but no more. "You know where we're going in this house, right?" I asked as we started to walk down the corridor, "because I don't."

"I do," he mumbled.

We walked down the large marble stairs before I saw Kyoya waiting at the bottom. I didn't know whether to hug him, as he had saved my life, even though I had thanked him in the hospital, or slap him for not telling me how bad a mess I was in. So naturally I chose the most mature option...

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