1 - Staging an Intervention

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The faint sound of an annoying but catchy song awoke me from an extremely deep sleep. Despite my best efforts, after flinging myself out of comfortable Egyptian-Cotton sheets, I couldn't find the source of the muffled singing. I had torn my whole bedroom apart before I realised what I had done the night before. Throwing open the doors of my walk-in closest, the music grew louder and I knew I was right. I finally found the MP3 alarm clock that I had wired to speakers so I'd have to get out of bed to switch it off. I guess I never figured that I'd forget where I had put the blasted thing. The point of the alarm was to make sure I was early and on time, though I had wasted fifteen minutes of my morning trying to find the damn clock, listening to that same song on repeat because I have the memory of a small apricot. 

With an incredibly bad mood forming, I stormed into my en-suite to get dressed for school. My designer uniform was new and wrinkle free and always gave me the feeling of belonging, and also glad as hell I didn't have to wear the yellow marshmallow. After I had joined the Host Club last year, Tamaki wanted me to match all the other members with the blue blazer. We tried the blazer with the marshmallow and I confessed I'd rather be dead than wear such a hideous creation of an outfit, so Tamaki persuaded the heads of school that I should get a different uniform so our club would look perfect and the school's reputation would be raised. I only wore a white shirt, black skirt and knee high socks with the boys' tie and blazer that the twins' mum helped tailor for me. 

My reflection looked back at me tiredly, as if expecting a miracle of a smile to appear on my face for no good reason. Summer hadn't exactly made me feel as refreshed as my friends would be, though I wouldn't know seeing as I hardly talked to them all summer. I blew a strand of pink out my face once tying it half of my hair up. A touch of make up later and my mask was on.

I fled the house too fast for the staff to wish me a good day and I to them. I jumped straight into my car, a speedy red number, before screeching down my long driveway and eventually onto the main rode. I stopped at a Drive-Thru coffee place and grabbed a bagel and coffee, before speeding my way to Ouran Academy. I finished my bagel and grabbed my coffee before ducking out of my car. Glancing at my reflection in the wing mirror, I was very windswept, my green eyes looked frantic and un-rested, but fresh enough if you didn't look too closely. I shot myself a breezy smile and waltzed into the school grounds, waving to various students that I passed. Being polite and friendly, I stopped and asked some about their summers that I couldn't care less about. 'Welcome's and 'Hello's came from every direction of the pink hallways when I stepped through the massive front doors.

"Rin-San, hi there!" came from a tall dark haired guy, and a "How was your summer, Rin-Senpai?" came from a girl with short brown hair. As usual, I answered the hello's with salutes and the conversational questions with quick, refreshing answers, making sure to show interest in their apparently busy lives. 

I was popular, being an actress and the daughter of world famous director, model and actress as well as being related to one of the most well known and wealthy families in Japan, of course I had to be popular. Dating the son and heir of the well known mafia belonging to the Kurosawa's also gave me some kind of status. People either feared me or wanted to get in my good books. I had connections everywhere, unlike them, but I wasn't cold about it, I tried to help people when I could. I invited people on set, getting some of them small parts to play or some modelling opportunities, which they liked as they got away from the lives their parents expected of them. I introduced them to other directors and celebrities that they could have paid to see, but they knew being introduced by a mutual friend was a better introduction. I did have my problems with the spotlight though, it took a lot of energy to be around people almost 24/7, so especially during this summer, I saw no one apart from my mother and half-brother in America.

After talking to everyone I possibly had to, the bell rang for registration and I set off in the direction of the new classroom for class 2-A. I collapsed into my chair between Haruhi and Hikaru, which they had fortunately saved. I instantly shoved my books into the desk, closed it with a loud bang and buried my face into my arms. A second later, I resurfaced and greeted Haruhi with a scarily happy smile.

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