22 - I Play the Fool to the Fools

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Returning back to school was not easy. The stares were difficult to deal with, and not because I didn't like attention because we all know I did, but it was the wrong kind of attention. I had been away for almost two months because of my own hiatus after some Host Club stunt. Everyone wanted to know why it was so dramatic, why I had to leave for so long after and so on. Though they all believed and understood the cover-up that it was a health and safety exercise provided by the school and Host Club to see how the students would react in an emergency. 

I got congratulations for my convincing acting and questions regarding what had happened but, overall, no one really cared anymore. No one gave a shit and no one knew that it was actually real and it was actually Niko. That there was an abuser/almost murderer amongst us and that they had disappeared off the ends of the earth. No one had to deal with that apart from me.

Apparently they had noticed, during my 'break from life' as they called it, that Niko was also gone, and some had even convinced themselves that our breakup was a rouse and we both ran away to elope. Complete delusional dipshits in that school, I'm telling you. Of course, I set them straight, saying it was a break to sort my life out, just as I was told to say. I'm such a good girl.

 Daichi had to follow me the entire time, so that brought up more questions, but it was easy to blame on Hollywood and some kind of stalker explanation. Extra security since I had announced retiring from acting and modelling. I often turned to him, his shades were like mirrors so I couldn't read his expression. I would have liked to know if he was judging everyone here. I made a note to eventually ask about his past situation.

When I finally made it to my classroom, I sat down next to Kazuna. She glanced back at Daichi who remained standing at the front of the classroom after following me in. "Who's that supposed to be?"

"Security guard, long story about Hollywood stalkers and media following. Can't risk it," I mumbled. I quickly got up and glided to the back of the classroom, towards the cupboard, which was huge on the inside, and I grabbed a spare chair. Once retrieving the chair, I ran back to the front of the classroom towards Daichi and placed the chair in front of him. "Sit," was all I said.

"I shouldn't be slacking on the job," he said in his monotone security voice.

"It's not slacking, it's sitting during 4 hours of boring class, watching me be an idiot and watching school kids be stupid and dumb. This seat is your saviour!" I smiled. 

Daichi nodded and sat down, and I trudged back to my seat beside Kazuna before slumping, looking towards the ceiling, losing all strength in myself to get through the day. 

Kazuna watched me for a moment before she spoke, "So, two month hiatus from your education to do work in America? I thought you wanted to make it to university?"

"Yeah, so did I," I sighed.

"And what the hell was that stabbing drama?" she scoffed, obviously not realising how real it had been. "At first I thought the Host Club had gone too far, but then you didn't come back to school until they told us it was just an act to see how we'd all react." She shrugged, "So they were glad to know that no one filmed the panic, or posted about it. After it happened they sat everyone down and told them not to because then the media would know where you went to school. So well done us I guess?"

"Yeah, I thought it was a pretty shit idea to be honest. But I'm an actress right? I had to agree to help out the school."

"The blood looked so real too!" A random boy in the class piped up.

"Yeah! The way it pooled around you!" clapped another, "It looked like a scene for a movie!"

"And the way Kyoya Senpai helped you!" Screeched a girl, "It's too bad you're cousins."

"But her moment with Hikaru!" Her friend cried out and hugged her friend out of some weird fangirl excitement. "Oh you could almost feel the attraction and fear of losing her!"

"And the way Hunny and Mori ran after the culprit!" Another boy joined in, "Like something from an action movie! It looked well cool!"

"Well, we do try," I sighed, trying my best not to get angry at them all. Which was easier than trying not to relive the moment as it played across my mind just like a movie...a movie I couldn't look away from no matter how much I tried.

Hikaru, Kaoru and Haruhi entered the room amongst the excited chatter, weaving their way through the people who crowded me. There were looks on their faces that said they were both happy to see me but also anxious to know what all this fuss was about.

"If I'm honest, I don't think Rin was dramatic enough," Renege shrugged, "there should have been more passion! She should've kissed Hikaru while Kaoru approached broken heartedly! Honestly, I'm the manager of this club, yet this went all over my head. If I'd have directed, it would have been Hollywood worthy!"

"Hey now, Renge," Hikaru scowled at her, "Rin was actually -" he gained a shove from Kaoru.

"Doing her best in the circumstances," Kaoru quickly interjected, whilst guiding Hikaru to their usual seats across from me and Kazuna, leaving the middle isle chair always for Haruhi.

"Last time you directed something you got Haruhi hurt," added Kaoru, trying to turn the conversation around, "Actually hurt."

I winced and lowered my head into my folded arms. I wanted them all to shut up and leave. No matter how much I tried to keep my presentation friendly but serious in the past, I just couldn't help being unpleasant and ignoring them to the best of my abilities. I mean, I'm sure they'd understand if they had been stabbed a couple months ago and were forced to ditch a life and home they loved for some shitshow their stupid family created for them as a torture device. I mean...I appreciate what the Ootori's were risking but they didn't have to make everything so shit.

All of which I told Haruhi during lunch break alone in our classroom. Alone plus Daichi in the corner eating food I had fetched for him, which he tried to refuse.

"I mean, I don't want to side with the Ootori's because obviously everything you're going through and how they're handling it is awful, " she started with, however, I dreaded the but that followed it. "But shouldn't you just cooperate with everything you're doing until it all calms down?"

"Oh, ahahahahaahaha," I laughed at her sarcastically. "If I were so obedient, which I'm trying to do by the way, I'm not completely stupid. If I were so obedient, they could snap down on my dreams and rip them away faster than I could say ... yogurt."

"Yogurt?" Haruhi blinked.

"You heard me. Yogurt. I don't have to justify myself when I've been stabbed and still living in the nightmare realm."

"Least you don't have the stress of passing all you're classes at the top and not being able to keep a job while being here," she mumbled under her breath, clearly fed up. But this was a bitchy side of Haruhi I had never seen before.

"What crawled up your ass today?" I snapped, like I had never done with Haruhi often. "Just because you live your life differently because of what you were born into, doesn't mean you get to judge those who appear to have more than you. We all have our problems, however they appear!" I was fuming as I got closer to the door where I saw Hikaru and Kaoru approaching so I moved further into the room once more. "I could have died!  And NO ONE is batting a SINGLE eye! That's why I'm mad! Not because poor little rich girl isn't getting what she wants!"

"Hey now," Kaoru soothed as he came in before Hikaru.

"What's going on here?" Hikaru continued, looking between our angry faces as Haruhi sat there looking like a betrayed puppy and I stood there like punk ass pink haired rebel poking the puppy with a stick. Though Hikaru approached my side, checking to see if I was okay, which I appreciated. 

"Nothing." We both huffed.

"Didn't look like it," Hikaru motioned between us.

"Well its our business, Hikaru, so butt out," Haruhi sighed.

"Real nice, Haruhi," Kaoru scoffed, "We believe you."

"Its true, though, guys," I sighed, turning round and looking up to Hikaru. "Whatever's going on between us, we need to work it out and keep it between ourselves." I turned back to Haurhi, though still leaning into Hikaru. "Now tell me what's bothering you, because its obviously not my petty rich girl lifestyle because you've put up with that for years."

She looked up at me, those big brown eyes that grabbed every boy and girl's attention, which I envied. Of course. "Tamaki left on that French trip."

"That can't just be it," Hikaru rolled his eyes behind me, which I saw when turning to him with a stern face that read 'shush'.  

"Its not, you're right," she sighed and looked out the window, the first time I had ever seen Haruhi distant. "He mentioned something about finding his mother with Kyoya-"

"Well, isn't that a good thing?" Hikaru shrugged.

"Of course it is," Haruhi agreed.

"I'm sensing there's a but?" Kaoru interpreted.

"It's just...I can't help but think that'll bring up complications again," she sighed, "Like last year, when Eclair turned up and everything got complicated-"

"And you were almost a couple but that kinda fizzled out," I pointed out, " So you dragged Kasanoda and also joined the gardening club? Yeah, just a bit complicated."

"Yeah but its not the couple part I'm worried about," she spat, "I don't want to think about anything like that until I graduate at least."

"So the issue is?" Kaoru pushed.

"That his grandmother will mess things up again!" She groaned, her head tilted back in frustration. "He's almost finding his way on his feet properly, and yeah, finding his mother will help that a lot. But if his Grandmother interferes then everything will be for nothing."

The twins shook their heads, so did I. 

"You really haven't seen in it Tamaki-Senpai yet, have you?" Kaoru tutted.

I locked eyes with him for a second whilst Hikaru shrugged, vaguely knowing what Kaoru was hinting at, but not enough to elaborate, which I would do.

"Tamaki - although still his idiot self - has changed, Haruhi," I told her.

"He looks at things differently," Kaoru inputted. 

"I mean, we all knew he was somewhat wise underneath his vain stupidity, but this is different," I scoffed.

"This last year has really effected him and he's actually taking everything into account. And I doubt his Grandmother is going to stop him this time. Just trust that if there's any problems, he'll deal with them while being less of an idiot," Kaoru finalised. 

"We hope..." Hikaru added unhelpfully.

"Kyoya-Senpai's also there with him," Kaoru shrugged. "He's bound to straighten out any idiot prone kinks."

"Or take care of any kinks for that matter," I mumbled, which both the twins heard and I could see Hikaru begin to visibly wheeze, trying not to laugh at the kinky joke I made at my cousin's expense. To get it on the right track, when Haruhi looked back to us after considering our words while thoughtfully looking out the window, I added, "Don't worry. Keep studying, keep having fun with us idiots, and try not to be so bitchy about other people's problems."

Haruhi chuckled and shook her head, knowing I was right about her bad attitude earlier, "thanks guys."

"Anytime," Kaoru shrugged.

"Yeah, friends are always here for each other," Hikaru nodded and smiled, causing us all to smile.

He then locked eyes with me and after a moment, I looked away, not quite knowing what to think.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

My plan after that long day was to nap and challenge Daichi to a game of Mario Kart, but that wasn't going to happen because I entered what I thought was my room, only to find an aquarium. Maybe I was being dramatic, but the living room part of my room had a one wall fish tank with tons of fish, each part separating for what seemed like different climates. 

There I found Mr Ootori standing with Fuyumi and Akito, all of whom looked extremely happy with whatever the hell they did to my room. 

I exchanged a glance with the mirror-eyed Daichi and I could tell his eyes were trying not to go wide. I passed him my bag, knowing full well he wasn't a servant, but knowing if I kept it within my own reach I'd do something stupid with it. Then I marched straight towards them who all beamed at me.

"So uh, when are we opening to the public?" I questioned, folding my arms, looking up and between all of them.

"What do you mean?" Fuyumi asked.

At the same time her father sighed, "Not this again." Thinking I meant being public about myself and not seeing the sheer ridiculousness of what had happened in my room.

"When are we opening this fun aquarium to the public?" I shrugged, "I mean, its so extravagant it was just made to be seen by everyone."

"Oh don't you think!" Fuyumi clapped excitedly. She nudged her brother. "See I knew she'd like it. Mr Suoh was right, father."

"Is there any particular reason my room is becoming an attraction?" I lifted my eyebrow, hoping to get some other kind of reaction.

"No need to be so thankful," Akito rolled his eyes. It was weird not to see him in a suit. "We all thought you could do with a calming distraction."

"So fish?"

"Fish relax people," Mr Ootori shrugged. "Its been a proven fact, and as Fuyumi said, Mr Suoh did recommend animals to make you happy."

"And because of your environmental studies we thought of different environmental fish tanks," added Akito, as if he had planned the entire idea without trying to claim credit. 

"Oh," was all I could mutter, because it was too nice of them to do. Especially because it was them.

"The lights in the tank also change colour if you want to set a mood. The backdrops for the fish also change!" Fuyumi clapped and showed me how to do so with a remote before handing it over to me. 

"You can observe your fish and that will help your studies, and you can also relax with them," Mr Ootori even showed a glimmer of a smile. I didn't know if this was an act to draw me closer, but it was extremely damn nice of them. I almost cried. Almost. 

"I don't know what to say," I managed to get out.

"She's actually speechless!" Akito mumbled.

I glared at him.

"Just promise to carry on with the way you're handling things. I was told that the day went smoothly," the chairman nodded at Daichi who nodded back. I looked between them, wondering how fast Daichi managed to contact Mr Ootori without me knowing. 

"Well as long as I get to pursue my environmental studies then that's all I can ask of," I sighed.

Fuyumi came towards me and hugged me, carefully in case of the area where the stitches had once been. "Just let us know if there is anything else to make you comfortable."

"And this offer means comfortable and out of trouble," Mr Ootori nodded. "Although this doesn't mean I'm going to be spoiling you with anything you'd like. I want to give you things to be of use."

"So I'm guessing a cat is off the cards?" I shrugged. They all stared at me and I laughed. "A joke. About being a forever alone cat lady. Aha ha ha. Never mind."

"Well, we will leave you to your calm space," Mr Ootori finalised and they all started towards the door. He then turned to Daichi once everyone else had exited. "Excellent speed of work, young Sato. You are proving yourself well. I assume your quarters next door are enough?"

"More than," Daichi smiled and bowed. 

"And Rin knows about the living room camera and the intercom being linked to your room?"

"She does," I interjected. "She knows about all the little spies. And as grateful as she is for the aquarium, she doesn't doubt one of the fish is actually a fish-cam in case all the others fail."

I swear I almost saw Mr Ootori smile before he shook his head and left. 

I grabbed my bag from Daichi. "I think I'm growing on him," I smirked him. "And between you and me, when someone can't help but like you as a person, they will let more things slide and give you more of what you want. I can work with this."

"You won't get exactly what you want, though," Daichi warned. "Mr Ootori isn't stupid."

"Oh, I know," I moved away from Daichi towards the fish tank. "But I can win him around, get some freedom until I come up with a plan. If I fool everyone into believing that I'm somewhat coping normally, no one will see how I will get my justice."

"Justice? I thought Niko was your only issue regarding justice?"

"Oh, he is," I shrugged, watching the colourful, tropical fish swim about their new home of fresh greenery. "But my world can't just be taken so forcefully, and painfully may I add, from my grasp. I was paving my way to get the world I wanted. And although I've been blindfolded, beaten and dragged into some weird terrain, I will get out!" And as I grew louder and enthusiastic, some of the fish fled from my sight. "I will pave a new path!"

"You're getting very philosophic," He muttered.

"Its how I am when I spend too much time alone, Daichi," I threw my bag to the other side of the room. "So stop making me feel so alone by keeping your distance and try and beat me at Mario Kart!"

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