20 - At the Gates of Hell

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Quite soon after the twins had left, I was alerted by a nurse that the car would arrive shortly to drive me away to hell, or as they liked to call it - the Ootori's estate.

The nurse had packed me up and asked if the hoodie I was wearing would be warm enough, offering me blankets to take. Hikaru had left his hoodie behind, as coming in with both a hoodie and a winter jacket, he forgot one his layers. I had no jacket, somehow Eileen forgot I would need one even though it was almost snowing outside. So I accepted a blanket from the nurse.

I was ushered into the Ootori limo by two security guards and, with no surprise at all, the older one told me that Mr Ootori would see me at the estate once he had finished the business he was attending to. I rolled my eyes. It was ridiculous to believe that I was such a big problem to my father and the Ootori's, yet I was pushed to the back of the urgency pile. I was stabbed a few weeks back, been in that hospital for over a month. I was still in pain both physically and mentally. Most people, apart from my friends, treated it as if I was never stabbed at all, as if it was one of the Host Club's publicity stunts gone wrong.

'Screw my father,' I thought. 'Screw him to hell and back.'

The limo ride was surprisingly long even though we were coming from the Ootori private hospital to the Ootori estate. I'd have thought they'd place them close for convenience but I presume being further out in the countryside was helpful for the hospital and its patients.

Growing bored and more anxious by the fact I'd have to deal with the Ootori's sooner, I made an attempt to talk to the security guard who sat opposite me, who had remained silently looking out the window most of the time. The older one was seated at the front with the driver, I could faintly hear they were having some kind of conversation. The security guard in front of me looked extremely young. If it wasn't for his muscle mass, I'd wonder why the hell he'd be my body guard at all if he was so young.

"How long do you think we'll be?" I asked him, knowing it was a childish question but it had to be said.

He raised his eyebrow above his thick sunglasses but was polite enough to oblige; "Not much further, ma'am."

"I'm not forty," I scoffed and he shifted himself uncomfortably, probably wondering why I didn't ignore him like a lot of people would. "Will it always be as quiet as this?"

"I cannot say, ma- Miss Ootori," he fumbled with his words but pretended as if he hadn't.

"It's Rin, just call me Rin," I sighed, growing tired of correcting the Ootori side.

"I don't think I'm allowed to-"

"I'll complain if you don't," I scowled and it took him by surprise. "I don't want to be bratty but when you're talking to me - call me Rin. If you're addressing me to someone else - then call me whatever you like - even little bratty bitch if you want. Just no Ma'am, Miss Ootori, Miss Rich please."

Even though his eyes were covered by his large sunglasses, I just knew they were wide in surprise.

"I just hate formality, okay?" I tried to reason, I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. "And I don't want to call you Security Number One, so what's your name?"

"I'm more Security Number Six or...Seven," he sighed to himself, and I was surprised that he actually attempted a joke. He didn't go on to say his name so I raised my eyebrows and nodded my head, trying to show I was waiting for it. "I'm Sato-Daichi."

"I've never met a Daichi before," I smiled and shuffled slightly closer to him. "So are you assigned to me or are you just one of the many security here?"

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