4 - This is the Last Time

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I fell to the ground. My face was burning. My head was screaming. Niko had punched me to the ground. He did it to get me out of the way... No. He did it because I disrespected him.

As I lay there for a moment, stunned and trying to comprehend the fact that Niko abused me in broad daylight this time, not behind closed doors. Niko carried on fighting Hikaru, throwing punches. Hikaru was more defending himself than actually trying to fight. He was really getting the crap beaten out of him. I watched, hiding the side of my face Niko had punched with my mass of hair. Niko had hurt me. He had hurt me before, but every time he did, he always tried to make up for it, begging me to stay and for some lame, needy reason I did. I stayed because I thought it could change, that he could change, that I would be the one to change him. But you can't change someone who isn't willing to see other ways. Niko liked his way. His way got him what he wanted. 

This time Niko didn't check on me, he didn't beg for forgiveness and he didn't even show any remorse. This time was the last time he'd hurt me. The last time I'd forgive him. The last time I gave into the threat of his family – the threat of him. He'd hurt me more staying by his side than he would when I broke up with him. 

I steadily pulled myself up and walked shakily towards where they fought. Every step I took grew stronger with new adrenaline pumping through me. I didn't exactly know what my plan was and if it would work. I was no martial arts prodigy like Hunny-Senpai or Mori; I took some classes, learned some tricks, nothing major. But I did push Hikaru out of the way forcefully and stood in his place, facing up to Niko who looked down on me with confusion. I blocked the punch he meant for Hikaru and dodged the punch he meant for me. I kicked and punched and fought with all my strength. With a burst of energy, I had him pushed against the tall garden wall. I held him in place, one hand holding his throat.

"Rin, what the-" he stuttered, his eyes wide with shock, for some reason.

I cut him off, "You hurt me for the last time, Niko." I slammed my other hand against the wall near his face and I winced with pain. That was a bad idea as my knuckles started to bleed and it was really painful. I held his throat tighter because of this, hearing Hikaru coughing on the ground behind me. "You fucking hurt me FOR THE LAST TIME. YOU ABUSE ME AND USE ME AND ALL FOR WHAT? HAVING A FAMOUS FACE BY YOUR SIDE? OR ARE YOU SOME PSYCHOTIC GUY WHO NEEDS TO CONTROL EVERYONE AROUND HIM. YOU TREAT YOUR BUDDIES SO NICELY BUT THEY'RE ALL AFRAID OF WHAT YOU ARE. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE NOW. YOU NEVER CARED FOR ME AT ALL-"

"Rin, I do," he gasped, picking at my hand around his throat.

"Yeah fucking right, you heartless bastard." I dug my finger nails into his skin causing him to wince and grunt in pain. "This is a warning and hopefully it'll scar. Leave me the fuck alone. Leave my friends alone. We are done. You are done."

Leaving scratch marks on his neck which had begun to bleed into my hand. I kicked him in the nuts and started to run. I found Hikaru behind me, who could only stand and watch, holding his ribs. I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him with me and we ran to the direction of the student car park. I had no time to check if he was okay because we needed to get out of there. I heard Niko screaming my name behind me but I picked up our pace and kept running.

We made it to the student car park and I left Hikaru by the side of my passenger door as I ran round to the driver's door. I scrambled inside and leaned over pushing the passenger door open, screaming at him to get inside. I think he was in shock. Once he was safely inside with the door closed, I pulled out and stepped on it, racing out of Ouran till we were on the road with Niko nowhere in sight.

I calmed myself down, glancing at Hikaru who just looked straight ahead. With one hand, I slid my phone out of my pocket and threw it on his lap. "Text Kaoru," I instructed.

"Why?" he muttered, not fully paying attention.

"Just go on my phone, into my contacts and pull up Kaoru's," I sighed and glimpsed over, watching him struggle to find the contact. "He has a pumpkin emoji," I mumbled. I thought I heard a scoff before he found the contact and looked back at me expectantly. "Just call him and put it on speaker."

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