28 - You're Going to Want to Hear This

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As I turned back to my company, everyone's faces were vaguely surprised by our visitors. None more than I was. My Mom looked at them as if they were ghosts but her smile never faltered. I looked back at our visitors once more.

"Hi there," I sheepishly greeted them, getting up from my deck chair and shuffling forward slightly. I looked between my Dad and Eileen, trying not to convey the true horror I felt inside. If they were here this soon, that meant the Ootori's found out. All hell was breaking loose. I turned to Alex and whispered, "caught," before my Dad came charging towards us. His face was less than happy.

"You hide out here of all places?" Was what he started with. "Where everyone knows just exactly who you are?! Where they follow you! Anyone could have-"

Eileen has wandered over to stand beside my dad. She looked to my Mom and with a lovely smile, greeted her while my dad continued to yell at me. My mom returned the same smile to Eileen but glared at my Dad as he prattled on. Alex watched with intrigue as she rose from her seat, fury visibly behind her eyes. It was something we could never hide.

"I don't know what you're playing at running off out here!" He released a massive breath of stress and raised his arms in exasperation until the realisation hit his face. "You told her too!" He pointed to my Mom, who remained silent for now. "You told your sick mother about everything! Do you care how much that could set her back?"

"Enough, Kaito!" My Mom growled. She stepped towards him slowly. "How dare you!" She pointed her accusing finger, jabbing his chest. "Our daughter, MY DAUGHTER, was stabbed. And you told me nothing? NOTHING! And you want Rin to take MY condition into consideration?" She scoffed.

"Alisha, you don't know the whole story-" my Dad started.

"Yeah, Kaito," she spat, "you made that plain. Sit your ASS down right now and don't say another damn word!"

Dad gaped at her, then to Eileen who only shrugged with her arms folded. Obviously she was never pleased with how my Dad handled things and definitely wanted to stay out of an argument between him and my Mom. My Dad sat down beside me.

"The lies and hiding stops right now," my Mom fumed. "Now I know everything apart from - just how in the living hell could you have let this happen, Kaito?! Here I was thinking I need to better myself for my family, and our daughter gets stabbed because you're in with a Japanese mafia?!"

Dad swallowed and thought of his words before replying. " I didn't want to make your situation worse."

"Ah yeah, because hearing that my daughter was stabbed almost six months ago seems like it'd make the situation way worse than if I had been told as soon as it fucking happened!" She laughed bitterly. "And, our of all the people in the world, you send her to live with the very family you hate, rather than her own mom?!"

"We're dealing with the mafia, Alisha, they won't fucking stop at Japan's border, snapping their fingers and hoping they'd get to her next time. Once they find out she's skipped town, they'll hunt her down!" He groaned, "the Ootori's were the only ones who could protect her! Now she's ran off, they find out several hours ago, her phone is off, your phone is off and I have to come all the way out here!"

"As if that's troubling at all," i mumbled.

"Well, why the hell are you out here, Rin?" He snapped. "I know you're not an idiot so what are you thinking?"

"I have a plan," I told him. Completely straightforward.

"Oh really?" He gasped, "isn't that wonderful? You have a plan! Well you better hope it's better than the one we all saw through!"

"Says the one who got her stabbed," interjected my Mom.

Ignoring my parents, at this point I turned to my brother. "You need to get going," I told him, "find out as much as possible. Anything and everything."

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