17 - A Shocking Wake Up Call

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I could hear murmurs and grumbles but I couldn't understand what they were saying. Like somehow every language I could understand were all suddenly jumbled around in my head. I tried listening in but it was too exhausting to try and comprehend what was going on. I attempted to open my eyes but they were too heavy and somehow it felt like I was conscious while sleeping.

I almost lost hope of even trying to open my eyes, waking myself up from whatever hell I was experiencing - but then, suddenly, my mind wasn't so messy anymore. I could hear people's voices. I knew who they were and what they were saying. The Host club told me they missed me, they hoped I'd wake up soon. I could hear my parents, and by parents, I mean my Dad and Eileen. They were in hushed discussion and all I could hear were snippets; "mother", "dead", "Niko", and "Ootori". That seemed cheerful. They wanted me home, they wanted me safe. Eileen wanted me to know that I was one of the strongest women she knew and not to forget that.

I didn't think I was able to respond, my brain was still foggy so I couldn't open my eyes. I wondered if I'd ever fully wake up. Until I heard Hikaru.

"It's been three weeks, Rin," He muttered, it was still slightly hazy but his voice was clearer than the rest had ever been. "I know that three weeks isn't exactly a really long time in terms of a coma, and I know they induced it, but I think you should really wake up now." I heard a gasp, as if he was crying. "You really scared us yesterday; I thought you had left me for good. They said it was just a blip...but you had gone so pale, I thought you were already gone..." Then I heard a sob and I felt my heart lurching for him. A blip? The only kind of 'blip' I could remember was the really high pitch humming noise that really made me panic. But it soon passed, and I calmed down. "You need to come back to me, Rin." Hikaru gasped, "please. We need you...I need you. I love- J-just come back."

I could see a faint light, and as I blinked - I found that I could actually blink - the light grew bigger and bigger, until it was blinding. It took me a moment to move my arm, it felt so heavy, but I managed to, and raised my hand to shade my eyes. I heard a gasp beside me. Someone yelled for a nurse. Then someone held the hand that wasn't shading my eyes, and they held it tight, and said my name.

I looked over, and I saw a pale face, and met a pair of big hazel eyes staring back at me with a look of relief.

"Hikaru?" I muttered. I didn't know why I was questioning if it was him, I knew it was him. I had heard him, and it sure as hell looked like him when my eyes had finally focused. "Can you turn down the brightness?" I groaned.

I heard a scoff and turned to see Hikaru smiling at me, though tears were streaming down his face.

Suddenly, Hikaru was up, having to let go of my hand. He was ushered out the room by a woman in a white uniform, who then started to poke and prod me along with a man in an identical uniform.  My arm was grabbed, and squeezed by a large inflatable band. My head was touched and a stick was shoved into my mouth and taken out moments later. My legs were prodded and lifted and manoeuvred and put back. They asked me if I could hear everything, if I could see everything. And then suddenly, my gown was removed, bandages around my stomach were removed and replaced, and all I could see was faint spots of blood, which made me feel incredibly sick. And suddenly they were gone. I was left completely alone, feeling incredibly violated.

Niko; he stabbed me? Niko, my crazy ex boyfriend, had stabbed me. In the school, on the wide marble staircase. There was a window...I was looking at the autumn trees? Then suddenly – all I knew was pain and all I could see was blood on a white dress. Niko ran away; he actually smirked at me before he left. That memory sent chills down my spine. Kyoya had been there...He held me? My cousin, the one I thought had no heart...was there, holding me as I bled over him. And then Hikaru, he held my hand...He held my face so close to his own. His eyes, I couldn't forget his eyes; full of fear, full of horror.

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