T E N .

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        I could hear the sound of the paint guns being shot. I hid behind a air bunker, and only came up a few times to shoot. So far, i've gotten two guys. I think i'm getting a hang of this.

I suddenly heard the loud horn blow again, is the match over already? I took off my helmet and came out from behind the bunker. I heard a gun being fired, and i was down. Like literally, i fell to the floor. My face became numb and one eye was blurry.

        "Justin!" I heard my name being yelled. The foot steps ran closer to me. Alexandria's face was hovering over mine. "Shit, i'm so sorry Justin. Why did you take your helmet off!?"

        "T-the horn blew," i said.

        "That doesn't mean it's over," Alexandria said. "It means there's ten minutes left."

I feel like such a complete dumb ass right now.. I cringed as i felt the numbness fading away from my face, i could now feel the pain. Mostly on my left eye. I carefully placed my hand on it. "Don't!" Alexandria said, yanking my arm away from my face. "You'll make it worse."

        "Come on man, we got to get you up," one of the guys said. He extended his arm to me and Alexandria moved to aside so i had room to get up. I took a hold of his hand and came up on my two feet. My vision on my left eye was still blurry. "Ooh, that's gonna sting later," the same guy said, looking at my eye and cringing.

        "Lets get you inside, Justin," Alexandria said. I took my time to walk back into a building. Luke, Alexandria, and the guy who's name is still unknown, came with me, as the rest of the people, continued on with the match.

        "Whoa, is he okay?" Alexandria's uncle asked as we walked in.

        "Did you not see his eye, uncle Ben?" Alexandria said.

        "Who shot him?" Ben asked. There was a moment of silence.

        "I did," Alexandria finally spoke up. Wait, what?! Alexandria shot me!

Ben shook his head. "Well you know where the first aid kit is."

We all followed Alexandria, and she patted the stool for me to sit on. As i did, she took out a red box with a cross on it. "This is going to sting a little," she said and she patted a wet cotton ball around my eye. It took a moment to feel the pain. It felt like salt and lemon on a cut. It was burning so bad, i think my skin was cooking.

        "Ouch!" I finally let out.

        "Sorry, sorry," Alexandria said taking the cotton ball away from my face.

        "You're fine, Justin," Luke giggled.

        "I've been shot on the nose before," the guy said. "It broke."

We laughed. "What's you're name?" Alexandria asked him.

        "Gavin," he smiled.

        "Thanks for helping my friend out, Gavin," Alexandria smiled back.

        "No problem..." Gavin said, obviously waiting for Alexandria to tell him her name.


        "No problem, Alex," Gavin said with smirk.

Alexandria blushed a little. I felt an urge to push Gavin away. Physically. "Yo, Gavin! We're leaving!" A group of three boys yelled.

        "Alright, well i'll see you around, beautiful," Gavin said to Alexandria, she got even redder. I mentally rolled my eyes. "Nice work out the there...Justin, right?"

        "Yeah," i said. He smiled and waved good bye.

        "That was awkward," Luke says.

        "Maybe for you," Alexandria giggles.

        "I'm going to take this stuff off," Luke says, talking about his protection gear. He left the small room, leaving Alexandria and I alone.

        "Again, i'm really sorry, Justin. I did't see you with your helmet off," she apologized.

        "I-I'm fine. Don't worry a-about i-it," there i go with the stuttering again. EMBARRASSING. I NEED TO STOP.

        "No, it's not fine. I'll make it up to you somehow." She then place a bandage on a side of my eye. Alexandria leaned forward and kissed the bandage on my eye. I felt the pain go away, until she removed her lips. She smiled at me, and i swear i almost died. "Let's go, come on."

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