S I X T E E N .

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Prom? Not this again.. Last year, Kyle paid a girl to go up to me and ask me to go with her. Me, being Justin, who never gets girls, said yes. Then, she said laughed and said, "I was kidding, you no life gay nerd. No one will ever go with you." Yeah, it stringed for a while. Then i realized it was nothing compared to getting my ass beat by Kyle and Andrew..

"I want to see you at the game today, Justin. Okay?" Alexandria said. Why does she want me to go? I don't even know how football is played.. Kyle would probably just throw the ball at me.

"Okay," I said, not wanting to say no to her. I couldn't.

"Great," she smiled. "I'll see you," she said before running off to her group of friends.

This feels so weird. Talking to the most popular girl in school. We hung out all weekend. She didn't even sit on the center bleachers just to sit with me. Well it's not like we're any different, other than the fact that she has more friends, she's beautiful, and she doesn't get harassed every day.

When i got home, my mom was already heading out back to work. "I'll see you for dinner," she said.

"Uh, i'm going to the football game at school tonight," i said.

"Football?" She repeated. "Uh, okay... I'll save you a plate then.." I nodded and she left the house. I headed towards my room and did my homework so I won't have any to do any when I came back. When I was done, it was six, and the game starts at six-thirty. I took my phone out and sent a text to Luke asking him if he wanted to come along. Surprisingly, he said yes. I walked out my house, locking it behind me, then i began my walk towards the school. I saw groups of people from my school also making their way to the football field.

"Justin!" I heard Luke's voice call. I turned around and he was running, trying to catch up with me. "Hey," he said when he finally did.

"Hey," I said back. "When I invited you, I didn't think you were actually going to come."

"When you said Alex invited you, i had to come," Luke chuckled. "Anyways, what's with the stuttering thing when you talk to her? Speak right."

I sighed. How can i "speak right" when I'm with her? Does he not think I try?! When I see her, i feel my whole body get weak, including my lips, which is why I don't "speak right".

As we approached the school, you could hear the band playing and the people screaming. Luke and I found a space on the bleachers and sat down. Everyone around us had their faces painted with the school colors, some even shirtless with their chests painted. They all wore their Stratford high school gear. It felt like this was a real NFL game or something... I guess football is taken really seriously at this school.. "Look, there she is," Luke said pointing at the girls in their cheer uniform. I saw Alexandria right away, she was the one on top of the pyramid.

It's now half time. So far, Kyle has scored all four touchdowns while the other team has only one. I got off the bleachers and headed toward the food stand to grab something to drink. Luke wanted to stay. I got my coke and headed back to the bleachers. "Justin! You made it!" Her beautiful voice yelled. I felt her arms wrap around me as she pulled me into a tight hug. My knees went weak, It was getting hard to stand. She let go and smiled. "I think I saw Luke too," Alexandria said.

"Y-yeah, he's h-here," I nodded. There was a loud sound, like a horn.

"Oh, that's my cue. Enjoy the half time show," she smirked before running off. I sat back down next to Luke and watched the field as the cheerleaders began to do their routine. I clapped when they were done. It was actually really good.

When the game ended, Stratford High School won by three touchdowns. I bet tomorrow everyone is going to be talking about how great Kyle and Andrew were, making them feel even more special, that they can do anything at the school, including harassing people who they don't like. "Lets go now," I say to Luke.

"Aren't we going to stay to say hi to Alex?" He asked.

"I said hi."

"But I didn't."

"Luke, you do know that Andrew and Kyle are here, right?"

"No shit. But I want to say hi to Alex! And don't act like you don't want to talk to her again. You're so crushing on her," Luke said.

"Who isn't?" I admitted.

"But you like her more than a crush. You want to know what I think?" Luke smirked. "I think you should ask her to prom!" I laughed. He's joking right? "It's not funny, Justin. I'm actually being serious."

"No Luke, I'm not asking her to prom. She probably already has a date, anyways."

"Yeah, probably, we're not sure. Justin, if you won't ask her, then I'll ask her for you."

"You wouldn't."

"Oh, I would. Watch me," Luke said running down the bleachers and towards Alex.

Oh shit.. he would..

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