T W E N T Y - T H R E E .

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As the limo arrived at the venue for prom, I grabbed Angie's arm and pulled her back. "What did you do to Justin and Luke?" I asked her.

"I know, they look so hot right? Who knew that was hiding under a weird nerd," she giggled.

"Honestly, yes they look great, but are you sure they feel comfortable?" I asked her.

"Alex, chill. It's just for one night. If they don't like it they can go back to their old geeky look."

I sighed and walked back over to Justin. I took his hand again and we all walked towards the entrance together. Justin really does look good. But I feel like Angie forced him to make this big change. 

Justin and I stood in front the camera ready to take our prom picture. The photographer came over to us and fixed our poses. Justin held my waist from behind, and i held his hands. I smiled and tired to keep my eyes open as the flash burned them. "Great, next!" The photographer said. Justin and I locked hands again, this time, he took mine. We walked closer to the music and saw everyone dancing.

"C-can I tell you a secret?" Justin said, and i nodded. "I never d-danced before."

I giggled. "Time to learn," I said pulling him to the dance floor. Thrift Shop by Mackemore was on and everyone was jumping around acting stupid. I laughed and began jumping around as well. Justin then finally joined in. Angie and Luke then appeared next to us, doing the same thing.

Track after track, we danced. Justin seemed to be having a lot of fun. He was laughing, and pulling me close to dance with him. He let fun Justin take over tonight. The music then suddenly stopped after about two hours. "Hello everyone!" Mr. Higgins, the principle said. "Is everyone having fun!?" We all screamed and shouted in response. "Good! Now it's that moment many of you have been waiting for! Time to announce your 2013 prom king and queen of Stratford High!" More screams and shouts in response.

We all stood in silence as Mr. Higgins opened the envelope for prom king. "And your 2013 prom king goes to...... Luke Manning..?" He said in confusion. Everyone was silent. Yeah, i think we were all expecting Kyle, or at least Andrew, get the crown.

"Whooo!!" Angie yelled out of nowhere. "Go Luke!!" Yep, she's totally behind this.. Everyone then applauded and cheered Luke's name. I looked over at Justin who was cracking up. Luke shrugged and made his way up to the stage. Mr. Higgins placed the crown on his head and Luke make a big "whooo!" and threw his hands up in victory, making everyone clap and shout even louder. More than half the school doesn't know who Luke is, yet they're going crazy for him. Maybe it's the fact that Angie made him look 'hotter'. Who cares? Luke is on stage right now, happier than ever. I laughed and yelled his name a couple times.

"Okay, now for your prom queen," Mr. Higgins said opening the next envelope. "Your 2013 prom queen goes to.... Alexandria Jensen!" He yelled my name nice and clear. I quickly looked over at Justin, who flashed me a cute smile. Everyone began to clap and shout for me now. I awkwardly made my way onto the stage. Mr. Higgins placed the tiara on my head, and Luke high-fived me. "Stratford high, i give you your 2013 prom king and queen!" I smiled and waved over to Justin. Him and Angie were screaming and jumping. Luke and I laughed. The music began to play and people began dancing again. Luke and I stepped off stage.

I ran over to Justin and threw my arms around his neck as the slow song came on. "L-lets just hope I don't s-step on your toes," he laughed.

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