F O U R .

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        I stood at the front door, confused on why she was here, and how did she even know where i lived. "Aren't you going to invite me in?" she finally spoke up, breaking the silence.

        "Uh--y-yeah," I said moving to a side so she can walk in. "Sorry."

Alexandria steps in and looks around. "Where's your room?" she asked. I motion her to follow me, and walk down the hall to the last door on the left. She pulls my desk chair and sits down, opening her back pack. I am still confused.. What is the most popular girl in school doing in my house..? This can't get any weirder.. "I searched some paintings, i need you to pick one so i can paint it." Okay... it just did..

        "Huh?" i asked confused.

        "Which painting?" She said, handing me paintings that she printed out. I sat down on my bed, going through the paintings. "What have you done so far?" she asked.

        "N-noting, really," i said softly. "I-I was just about research some p-paintings, but i guess you've done that a-already," i said, looking down at the papers, not wanting to make eye contact with her.

        "Okay," she said. "And sorry i randomly showed up. When we talked at school today, you never let me finish. I was going to say that, you should start on the project, and then i'll come by later to help."

What?.. Ms. Popular actually wanted to help on this project? Shit keeps getting weirder...

        "It's o-okay. How did you know where i lived, a-anyways?" I asked, almost in a whisper.

        "I asked Kyle," she said.

I cringed at Kyle's name. "Oh," i said. I looked back down at the pictures, and finally made up my mind. "T-this one," i said handing her the paper.

Alexandria smiled, "I like this one too. I'll try having it done in a week or so." I nodded. "So uh, Justin?"


        "Tell me about your self," she smiled. I don't know if it was her beautiful smile or hypnotizing hazel eyes, but butterflies erupted in my stomach.

        "T-there isn't much to know about m-me," i said, using my index finger to push my glasses back.

All i am is the school loser that everyone is embarrassed to be seen with, and everyone wants to harass.

        "Oh come on, there has to be something," she giggled. And i just melted inside. She's killing me here, and she's too blind to see it.

        "O-okay, well, i-i like to...read..?" I said, more like a question.

And i couldn't sound any nerdier... I'm just embarrassing my self in front of this beautiful girl, that whatever she does is either cute or perfect, never embarrassing.

        "What else?" she asked. I looked at my board sitting by the my closet.

        "Skateboarding," i said.

        "Cool, you should show me how to get on one of those, one of these days," she said, also looking at the board.

She wants me to show her? Is this a dream or something...? Or am i getting puncked?

        "Sure," i shrugged, trying to play it cool.

There was then a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in," i said. Of course it was my mom. I just hope she dosn't say anything embarrassing..

        "Hi," my mom says, walking in. "I was just wondering if your friend was staying for dinner, Justin?"

Why the hell would she wanna stay for diner?

        "Sure," i hear Alexandria say. "I'm Alex, by the way."

        "Pattie," my mom smiles, as they both shake hands.

Okay.. seriously.. What the hell is this..?

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