F O U R T E E N .

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        As i pulled up to Justin's house, I saw his mom, Pattie, throwing out the garbage. She looked at us, and smiled. Justin and i got out of the car, i just wanted to say hi. "Hi, Alex!" She smiled even wider.

        "Hi Pattie," i smiled back.

        "Thank you for bringing Justin back, i was getting worried."

I laughed. "Your welcome, and he's fine. He just accompanied me somewhere. Anyways, i should get going now, it's late."

        "Thanks for the r-ride," Justin said. "G-goodnight."

        "Anytime.Goodnight," i smiled and got back in my car. I saw Pattie put her arm around Justin as they walked inside their home. I wish i had a mom like her... I drove back home and walked inside, only to be yelled at by the woman i sadly call my mother.

        "Where the hell were you! You were suppose to be home over an hour ago! I called your phone, why didn't you answer!" She kept yelling, giving me a headache. I decided to ignore her words, so i began to walk upstairs to my room. I'm to tired for this bullshit. "Are you ignoring me!"

        "Yes," i mumbled, and continued walking.

        "Next time you don't answer the phone, i will take your phone away! Understood?!" Yeah, sure, whatever. I closed the door to my room, and walked into my bathroom to remove my make-up and brush my teeth. I then got under my warm covers and closed my eyes, slowly drifting into sleep.

        I woke up the next morning, took a shower, and got dressed. I told Justin i was going to meet him outside his house at eleven, so we could go visit Angelo again. Angelo really likes Justin, i could really tell, and it's cute when they play together. I grabbed my keys and purse and headed downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen, sipping on coffee, and of course, she was on her phone. I rolled my eyes and grabbed an apple from the counter. "I'm going out," i said waking out the kitchen.

        "Where are you going?!" I heard her yell. I walked back in the kitchen.

        "To visit my brother," I said. She nodded and continued her phone call. I shook my head and walked out the house. I got into my car and drove over to Justin's house. I beeped so he would know i was outside. It didn't take long for Justin to come out and get into the car. "Hey," i smiled.

        "H-hey," he stuttered, putting on his seat belt. I turned on the radio on the way to the hospital. 'You Got It Bad' by Usher came on. I heard a soft, low voice singing along to it. It was quiet but enough for me to still hear it. I turned to Justin, who was looking out the window, but that's where the beautiful quiet voice was coming from. My eyes glued to the road again but my ears stayed focused on his voice.

        "Justin, sing louder," i said.

He turned his head towards me and said, "I-i wasn't s-singing."

        "Liar," i giggled. "I heard you."

        "I j-just like this s-song," he said, getting a little red.

I giggled and looked back at the road. "You sing good," i said, before turning off the engine and getting out of the car.

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