N I N E T E E N .

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School is finally over for the day. Good, cause I was dying of boredom.. But before I leave, I have to find Justin. I began to walk through the hall ways as they cleared up. People want to leave the school as soon as possible. Who wouldn't? Laughter filled the hallway as Kyle and Andrew walked out the restroom. They stopped and looked at me. "Oh, hey Alex," Kyle smirked.

"Hi," I said back., emotionless.

"What are you still doing here? Need a ride home?" Kyle asked, putting his arm around me.

"No," I said pushing his arm off me. "I'm looking for Justin." Andrew burst into laughter. Kyle gave him a look, and Andrew covered his mouth to stop the laughter from coming out. I rolled my eyes.

"We don't know where he is," Kyle said. "But uh, maybe you should start thinking about a new prom date," He smirked. New prom date?

"Where is Justin?" I asked again. If I have to get a new prom date, then what did they do to Justin? Andrew shrugged dumbly and walked away.

"Just know that I will be available for prom. Ask me anytime," Kyle smirked and walked behind Andrew. A door creaked open behind me, i turned around and saw Justin. At least I think it's Justin behind all that blood and bruises.. He was holding his stomach and limping.

"Justin.. Wha-what happen?" I asked in pure shock. I walked over to him, trying to help him hold his balance. He didn't speak. "Lets get you out of here," I said walking him over to my car.

"Leah!" I yelled to the house maid, running into my house.

"Alex, is everything okay?" Leah asked appearing in front of me.

"No--I don't know," I say running back outside to my car. Leah followed behind me. She gasped when she saw Justin in the passenger seat.

"What happen to him?!" Leah asked in.

"I'm not sure, but I think it had to do with two boys from school." We got Justin out of the car and into the house. Leah and I carefully cleaned up his blood from this face, only leaving cuts and bruises behind. If only we could wipe those away too..

"W-we should do t-the project now," Justin said. After being beat up, he still want to do the project?

"We don't have to do it today, Justin," I said. "We can do it another day. We have all month. Maybe you should just rest."

"I'm o-okay, really. Let's j-just work on the p-project," he said getting up from the chair. I slowly nodded and motioned him to follow me upstairs to my room. I walked slowly so he wouldn't rush.

"This is my room," I said opening the door and letting him come in. We plopped down on my bed, and Justin wanted to quickly get to work. Did he forget what happen to him already? "Justin.." I cut him off while he was talking about our project. He stopped and looked up at me. "Who did this to you?" I said, already having a picture of Kyle and Andrew in my head.

"Y-you already k-know who."

"Why would you let them?"

"D-do you really t-think I have a choice?" He snapped. "I w-would've stopped if I c-could. B-but I couldn't." His voice was sad with a mixture of regret. "Did y-you finish the p-painting?" He said changing the subject.

"Justin, don't change the subject. This is serious," I said. "Why did Kyle tell me to find another prom date?"

The room went completely silent for at least a minute. "Because you should," Justin said clearly.

"What do you mean 'I should?'"

"I c-can't go to p-prom with you anymore," Justin said looking down at my white carpet. I suddenly felt hurt. He doesn't want to go to prom with me anymore?

"Why not?" I finally managed to say back.

"Because... I j-just... I can't."

"Give me a real clear answer, Justin." Justin shook his head no. What the hell does that mean?! I knew Kyle and Andrew were behind this somehow... "Tell me what Kyle and Andrew told you," I demanded.

"I c-can't."

"Yes you can, Justin! Tell me," I said. "They won't hurt you again. I promise I won't let that happen, so just tell me." Once again, silence filled the room. He thinks a lot..

He sighed softly. "K-kyle said that i-if I go to p-prom with you, h-he'll hurt me... and y-you." Both of us? "I s-said I wasn't g-going to do that. S-so h-he and Andrew b-beat the shit o-out of me t-till I gave in."

Kyle thinks he could hurt me? I would love to him try. After almost four years of trying to get me to be his girlfriend , he says he would hurt me if I go to prom with another guy. Wow.. Isn't that a good way to get a girl! Note the sarcasm.. I looked over at Justin who was biting down on his lip, probably to hold in the pain he felt all over his face. Just because Kyle does't want Justin and I to go to prom together does not mean I will not go to prom to him. I moved closer to Justin and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling into a hug. I felt his arms awkwardly snake around my waist, and his bruised face bury into my shoulder. "I don't care what Kyle says, I still want to go to prom with you."

"I want to go to prom with you too," Justin said, low enough for me to hear as a whisper. I smiled.

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