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        The bell finally rang, and I walked out of my English class for lunch. I stopped in front of my locker and opened it up, placing my large English book inside. "Hey babe," a deep familiar voice said behind me. I could feel their hands wrap around my waist.

        "Stop calling me babe, Kyle," i said grabbing his wrist and pulling his hand away from my waist. "What do you want?"

        "All i wanted to do was ask you to the movies this Saturday," Kyle smirked.

This has to be at least the tenth time Kyle has asked me out, and every time, my answer is no. What makes him think that i would change my mind today?

        "Thanks, but i'm gonna have to pass," i said, slamming my locker shut.

        "Why don't you ever want to go out with me?" He asked.

Before i could answer, Andrew came up from behind me, dragging a kid by his backpack. "Look who i found hiding in the gym," Andrew chuckled.

        "Hey Gayber," Kyle said, messing with the guy's hair.

        "And you wonder why i won't go out with you," i say to Kyle, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

        "Cause' of Gayber?" Kyle asks with a questioning face.

        "Cause' you're such a jerk and bully, Kyle!" I yell at him. I then turn to Andrew, who now has the kid in a choke hold. "Andrew, let go of him."

Andrew made a loud irritated sigh. "I said, let go of him!" i order even louder. Andrew sighs again and lets go of the boy by pushing him to the ground.

        "Happy?" He asked.

I roll my eyes and walk away. Those two idiots just love to ruin my day. Just because almost all the girls drool over them, does not mean they can bully every other kid. I swear, sometimes i just want to choke them 'till they stop breathing.

I walked over to the lunch room and found my friends at the table in the front, where we always sit. "Alex, can i have your lunch?" Angie, my best friend, asked.

        "Why? Didn't you bring any?" I ask her. I open my backpack and take out my lunch bag, handing it to her.

        "No. My mom forgot to make me some, again," she says digging through my bag, taking out the things she wanted to eat.

I was left with half a eaten sandwich, and four grapes.. Whatta lunch... The cafeteria doors open, and the loud annoying jocks walk in. "Move loser," Andrew says pushing a kid out of his way, when he could easy just walk around him instead. I rolled my eyes.

They sat down at our table, just like every other day. "Okay, so i'm having a party Friday night. My sisters college friends will be there. You guys down?" Andrew says to everyone at our table. A bunch of 'yeah''s and 'hell yeah''s came from everyone...but me. "What about you, Alex?" Andrew asked.

        "Can't make it. Sorry," i shrug.

        "You're gonna miss a hell of a party," Andrew says and shrugs.

I really can't go anywhere this Friday.. I promised Angelo i was going to visit him.

        Angelo is my five year old brother. He was diagnosed with cancer when he was just three. The cancer has gotten worse these past months, so now he's at the hospital all day, everyday. My mom could possibly care less about her kids. She worries more about her job then anything else. My dad left my mom for a twenty year old bimbo two months ago. So i guess he isn't in the picture anymore..

I always hear people talking about how perfect my life is. Well it's not. Life is never perfect, not for me, not for anybody. People at school don't know me, not even Angie knows the real me. I feel like when people at school see, they think, Alexandria, that girl at school who hangs out the jocks and is the captain of the cheerleaders, so she must be perfect then. Like, fuck you. No one is perfect.

        "Alex, come on, you have to go to this party!" Angie says.

        "I really don't," i chuckle.

        "What is a party with out Alexandria Jensen?" Carrie asks.

        "Yeah?" Angie agrees. And everyone nods their heads in agreement.

The hell is wrong with these people. They're acting like i am the party.

        "I have plans already," i say. "Sorry. Maybe next time."

The rings, signaling it's time for fifth period.

        "Whooo!" Kyle yells as we get up to leave the cafeteria first. "Party this Friday and none of you losers are invited!" He yells at the people left in the cafeteria.

Like seriously, who the fuck does this guy think he is?

My name is Alexandria Jensen, and this is my life.

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