S E V E N T E E N .

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I walked over to the side bench to grab my purple and black duffel bag. "Alex! Alex!" I looked up the bleachers and saw Luke running towards me.

"Hey Luke," I say, unzipping my bag and forcing one pompom inside.

"Alex! Justin wants me to ask if you'll---" Luke was talking fast, then was cut off by Justin's hand on his mouth. Luke continued talking behind Justin's hand, but all I heard was grumbles and words I couldn't make up. I laughed.

"Are you two okay?" I asked.

"Uh, y-yeah," Justin said taking his hand away from Luke's mouth.

"Justin wants to go to prom with you!" Luke exclaims, and Justin slaps his hand back on Luke's mouth again.

"I-I-" Justin started but didn't end it. He got red and made nervous giggles. You could tell he was really embarrassed. It was actually kind of cute.

"So what do you say?" Luke asked, removing Justin's hand away from his mouth. "Will you go with him?"

"Luke, s-stop it," Justin said. Justin's face was completely red now. "You d-don't have to answer t-that."

"Yes you do," Luke says.

"Justin," I say, "I would love to go to prom with you." I smile. What? I think It'll actually be fun to go to prom with him. He's sweet, smart, nice, and cute. And going with Justin would be so much better than going with a guy like Kyle or Andrew.

"Really?" Justin asked, confused. I nodded and smiled.

"Alex! Let's go!" Angie called from the other side of the field.

"I'm catching a ride with Angie," i said. "I'll see you tomorrow for the project," I tell Justin. "Come to my place this time. And how about trying to get your self a date, Luke?"

"Working on it," he sighs. I giggle and say my goodbye's to the boys. I got in the car with Angie and she begins to drive me home.

"Why were you talking to those geeks?" She asks.

"Geeks? They have names, you know."

"Yeah. Gayber and Puke," Angie laughs.

"Justin and Luke," I corrected.

"Like I care." Seriously? Hanging out with Kyle and Andrew a lot put a bunch of shit in Angie's head. She acts just like them sometimes, i hate it. "You didn't answer my question, why were you talking to them?"

"Because they're my friends," I said. Yeah, I don't really care what any body thinks if I hang out with them.

"You have to be joking. That's like total social suicide, Alex!" Angie yells, making it a big deal. I ignored her for the rest of the car ride. She does't know Justin or Luke, so why the hell judge them? Let's see how she reacts when I tell her I'm going to prom with Justin. This should be interesting...

The next day at lunch, I walked towards the cafeteria when a hand wrapped around my shoulder. "So...prom, huh? You going?" Kyle asks.

"Yes, actually," I say, slipping his hand off me.

"With who? The girls?" he asks.

"No, with Justin," I smile proudly.

"Justin? Who's Justin?" He asks, his voice getting loud and angry.

"Bieber, Justin Bieber."

"GAYBER!?" Kyle yells in pure anger.

"No, Justin," I correct and walk away. Yeah, that's right you stupid mofo. I would would go to prom with Justin any day than with your dumb ass. Hell, I would go with that kid in chemistry class who picks his nose, than to go with Kyle. I'll go with the total opposite of Kyle. And that's Justin.

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