E L E V E N .

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        "Justin, your eye!" my mom yelled in concern as i walked into the kitchen of our house.

        "Yeah," i sighed. "It's fine, though."

        "Oh, no... Are they bullying you at school again?" She asked.

        "What? No, mom. I was playing baseball during lunch, and got hit on the face," I lied. What? I can't tell her i ditched school to go paint balling. She'll ground me for God knows how long.

I told my mom the bullying stopped when i entered high school. That's a lie too. Obviously.. I just don't want her worrying. She has enough in her hands to worry about right now.

        "Here," she said opening the freezer door and taking out a frozen bag of peas, "I don't want it to swell up even more." I nodded and took the bag from her hand. I held the cold bag on my eye and sat down on the couch in the living room. "I have to get back to work, so I didn't have time to make diner."

        "It's fine," i said. "I'll go grab a bite somewhere."

        "Okay, I'll see you later. Love you."

        "Love you too."

The door closed and i was left alone. I turned on the T.V and flipped through the channels. Nothing good is on. I sighed and turned the T.V back off, then closed my eyes.

The loud ring tone coming from my phone woke me up. I groaned and grabbed my phone from the table. "Hello?" i said into the phone.

        "Faggot!" Someone yelled from the other line. Then the line went dead.

Really? Calling me just to say "faggot"? Don't i get enough of that shit at school? I got off the couch and walked into the kitchen putting back the bag of, now, thawed peas into the freezer. My stomach began to make noises. I grabbed the twenty dollar bill my mom left on the table, and my skateboard sitting by the door of my room, then i walked out the house, locking it behind me. I skated towards downtown where the closest McDonalds was. I walked in with my board on one hand and ordered a Big Mac with fries and a drink. I sat down and waited for my food.

        "Hi, can i get a kids meal with chicken nuggets, and a number one, please?" Her voice was so hypnotizing and beautiful, i could recognize it anywhere. My head shot her way, and there she was, handing the cashier money. Is she going to think i'm stalking her or something? Shit.. she's coming this way.. I looked out the window, like i didn't even know she was here. "Justin?"

        "Huh?" I said dumbly turning my attention back at her.

She giggled. "What are you doing here?"

        "O-oh, uh... Food."

        "Duh, dumb question," she laughed taking a seat in front of me. "You're eye, is it feeling any better?" she asked with a concerned face.

        "Y-yeah. I forgot it was even there," I said.

        "Number eighty-three! You're order is ready!" a woman in the kitchen yelled.

        "Oh, that's me," i said getting up. I grab be the bad of food and drink and walked back to Alexandria to get my skateboard. "I-I'm going to head home now."

        "Okay, well see you Monday. And again, sorry about you're eye. I didn't mean to, I promise."

        "It's okay. I know you didn't mean it," I smiled and walked away. Hey, i didn't stutter! Yuss! I walked out of McDonalds with a smile still plastered on my face.

I then suddenly felt a punch on my ribs, causing my drink to spill on the ground. I looked at the football rolling on the ground. Did that just hit me? Familiar laughter then came closer. "That was hilarious!" Kyle yelled, dying of laughter.

        "Oh, shit!" Andrew yelled jumping back and then laughing. "Look at his eye!" Kyle began to laugh harder.

I put my board on the ground was about to peddle away. But Kyle but his foot on it, stopping me from leaving. "Where do you think you're going, Gayber?"

        "H-home," i stuttered.

        "No you're not," Andrew laughed, and pushed me off my board. My ass hit the ground, and i sat there waiting for a kick...or punch. But instead, i heard her voice.

        "Kyle! What the hell are you doing?" She asked.

        "Just saying hi to our friend here," Kyle smiled innocently.

        "Such a dick..." I heard Alexandria mumble as she walked over to me. She extended her free arm to me, and i took it. I got back up on my feet and grabbed my skateboard and bad of food off the floor. "Come on," she said, and i followed her, adjusting my glasses on the way.

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