T H R E E .

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        I sat in my seat, in the back corner of AP Art History class, taking notes about the next project, just like everyone else. This is the last project of the year. I have to pass this. I took my eyes off the white broad and looked at Alexandria, who sat in last seat in the second row. She has her perfect legs crosses, and was taking notes in her notebook. I can't believe she yelled at Andrew and Kyle to let me go.. That is so freaking embarrassing "Mr. Bieber!" I quickly took my eyes off her and turned my attention back to Mrs. Morris.

        "Y-yes?" i said.

        "Why isn't your pencil moving?!"

I heard giggles and chuckles from around the class. Why can't i go one day with out being embarrassed?

        "Sorry," i said and picked up my pencil again.

It's now ten minutes 'till the end of class. Just next period to go, then, i can leave this shit hole.

        "Okay, projects are due next month. You all have one month, so i will not accept late work," Mrs. Morris said, walking over to her desk and picking up a hat. "I will now go around, and you will each pick a number from this hat. Who ever gets the same number as you will be your partner for this project. And no, you may not change partners."

Mrs. Morris started walking by each student, letting them pick up a piece of paper from the hat. She finally stood in front of me, i took out the last piece of paper from the hat. I began to unfold the small piece of paper to reveal my number. Three. It said written in nice clear handwriting.

        "Stand up if you got number one," Mrs. Morris said.

Kyle and Andrew stood up and high-fived each other.

        "Number two?" Mrs. Morris continued and the two boys sat down. Carrie and Jackson stood up. "Partners." They then sat down. "Number three?" Alexandria stood up. Wait whaaa..? I stayed seated, shocked to see who my partner was. "Anybody else get number three? I'm pretty sure i put in two," Mrs. Morris said.

        "I'll be her partner, Mrs. M!" Kyle called out. Alexandria rolled her eyes and the class giggled.

        "I don't want to be your partner, Kyle," Alexandria said back.

What if when i stand up, and she tells me the same thing she just told Kyle?..

        Mrs. Morris sighed. "Number three, just please stand up." I took a deep breath and slowly got off of my seat. "Thank you, Justin." The whole class turned and faced me.

        "Since when was he in this class?" Andrew asked. The class bursted into laughter.

        "Can we please continue? Or do you all want to be late for your next period and get detention?" Mrs. Morris said. The whole class became silent. "Thank you. Number four?" she continued.

Alexandria turned around and looked at me before sitting down. She's probably thinking, I'm paired up with the loser i saw Kyle and Andrew harassing?

Once the bell rang, and everyone got their partner, i quickly left the class room. I need to get to my next class as soon as possible. Why? Cause if Kyle sees me, he'll probably just shove against my locker again.

        "Justin!" I heard a beautiful voice call. Please be her. Please be her. I turned around and saw Alexandria running towards me. Holly fuck.. it's actually her.

        "H-hi," I chocked out.

        "Hey," she smiled. "You're the guy that helped me this morning." She remembered?

        "Yeah, that was me," i said scratching the back of my neck.

        She smiled. "Well I'm Alexandria, but my friends call me Alex."

        "I'm Ju--"

        "Justin," she said cutting me off. "Yeah, i know." She smiled, exposing her perfectly straight teeth. "So uh, i was thinking, maybe you should start on the project tonight? And uh---"

I've should of known.. She wants me to do the whole thing on my own. She's a popular, why would she do the project when she has the school nerd as a partner.

        "You can just say it.." I said, cutting her off a little..

        "Say what?" She asked, confusion written all over her face.

        "Nothing... I have to get to class," i said, walking away before i did or said something dumb and embarrassing.

But holly shit. I just had my first conversation with Alexandria Jensen..

        I ran home later that day. Kyle, Andrew, and a few other guys chased me home again.. I put down my back pack next to the door, the house was really quiet. I walked into the kitchen where my mom usually is, but she wasn't in there. I then walked towards her room. The door was locked, so i put my ear against it. All i could hear was my mom sobbing. I'm broke my heart. I don't know why she cries all the time.. But every time i see or hear her cry, i feel like i die a little inside. I always ask here what's wrong, but she always says "nothing.."

My mom finally came out of her room. Her eyes were red and puffy. I felt like i was going to cry too.

"I made you some food, mom," i said to her.

"Thank you, Justin," she smiled and sat down at the table.

        Later that night, i began to work on the project for Mrs. Morris' class. We have to paint a replica, and write an entire ten page essay on the painting.. All on my own? Shit... I heard knocking on the front door. "Mom, can you get it?!" I yelled from my room.

        "Yeah!" she yelled back.

I could hear the door open and my mom talk to someone.. I then heard footsteps coming towards my room.

        "Justin, someone is at the door for you," my mom said.

What? Someone at the door.. for me? The fuck...? Oh shit... Please don't be Kyle and is gang coming to beat the hell out of me in front of my mom.. I walked out of my room and to the front door of the house. My eye's widened when they met hers. "Alexandria?"

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