Author's Note

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Hello my fellow readers. It has been a long while. I hope you are all well and happy. I realize it's been almost four years since an update and I'm truly sorry to those of you who are deeply invested in this story. You have all been so kind with your comments, talking about how much you love the book and how badly you want me to update, I love you all. Sadly, life took over and I was unable to keep updating this story and I know many of you will be unhappy to hear this but I will not be able to continue this story. I have no idea what to do with the plot that I have now that Remus and Y/N have gotten together. I planned to write a smut scene, only because I knew as a reader myself, I would want one but after that I have no idea what to do with the story. I had originally thought that to excuse Sirius' behavior thorught the relationship, I would later reveal that Lucius had polyjuiced himself to become Sirius and he had developed an obsession with Y/N.  When he became distant in the relationship he was off doing personal things and he had cast a spell on the real Sirius to never speak of Lucius or the truth of the situation. Then there would be one big face off between Lucius and Remus, where Lucius would end up severely injured and Remus would be victorious and the book would end shortly after that. Looking back on the plot I had imagined as a 13 year old, I can't help but cringe.

Anywho, the point of this note is to offer this story to anyone who would take it. They can take my chapters and story line and continue it either with my original plot or however they want, the only thing I ask for is a mention in the summary and a little plot credit but other than that go crazy. If you want to pick up where I left off and start a sequel, by all means, go right ahead. Don't forget to tag me as I want to se what you guys come up with! I put so much work into this story when I wrote it, that it would be a shame for it to go unfinished as I know many of you want to see the story progress. As I currently don't have the time or ideas to continue this story, I think it would be best to give another person an oppourtunity with the story. 

Thank you guys so much for all the reads, votes and comments, you guys are truly special. I will never forget how happy your comments made me as a 13 year old and how they still continue to make me. All the love <3


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