Chapter 17

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You woke up on Sirius' chest, naked. You feel the rise and fall of his chest and the his breath fan out across your face. You open your eyes and see Padfoot's grey eyes staring down at you. You smile and press your lips together in a soft kiss before pulling away.

"You were great last night." He says, exhaling.

"Oh, really now?" You say, surprised.

"Was that your first time?" He smirked.

"No, I went around fucking any guy I could see. Of course it was my first time." You say sarcastically.

"Well it didn't seem so." He replies tracing the scar from third year, the night where you learned the secret that the Marauders had been hiding for years. 

"Well then." You say rolling off him. The sun was creeping in through the curtains and shining in your eyes. 

"I'm gonna go get dressed, I'll be back." You tease and wrap a blanket around yourself, grab your clothes from last night and disappeared into your room. 

"Well someone had fun last night." You hear Lily say, eyeing you up and down. 

"You could say that." You say, grabbing your favourite sweater, and some black leggings. 

"So who was it? I know you're seeing someone, its obvious but who. Please don't say its one of James' friends." She says and winces.

"Well, its Sirius Black." You retort pulling your over-sized black sweater over your head. 

"As in the really hot one of James' friends? The hot but annoying one?" She says, dropping her book and walking over to you.

"Yes, yes that's him, the 'hot but annoying one." You say, letting your hair down. It was so long now, almost past your waist.

"How long has this been going on?" She says intently.

"A few weeks." You answer smirking. 

"You've been dating for a few weeks and you already..." She stopped herself.

"Yes, we've been dating for a few weeks and we've already fucked. I'm guessing you haven't had that much experience with relationships." You tease, brushing out your hair.

"I happen to be a relationship expert." Lily says, lightly hitting you on the head with her book. 

"A relationship expert?" You say, fighting to stop your self from laughing. 

"Yes, is there a problem with that?" She says sternly.

"No... no there isn't." You say before running a hand through your hair. You make for the door and turn to see a puzzled Lily looking at you in the mirror.

"Go get 'em tiger." She cheers and pushes you down the stairs into the common room. You chuck to yourself softly as you enter the common room and see a dressed and sexy Sirius, casually lounging on the couch. You silently creep up behind him and jump on him. He curses loudly and grabs hold of your wrist. 

"You little bugger." He says, smashing your lips together. You open your mouth and he thrusts his tongue in causing both your tongues to collide. 

"Naughty, naughty. I thought I taught you a lesson last night." He says between kisses. You place your hands on both sides of his face and smile as the boys dorm door opened and James walked in.

"I'm assuming that this was *ahem* 'help me with my transfiguration homework" James says, imitating Sirius' voice. You both stay silent and you feel blood rush to your cheeks.

"You didn't- on the- you didn't do it- on the couch, did you?" James says, and again you both stay silent once more, this time it was Sirius who blushed. 

"Aw come on mate, I sit there. For fucks sake man! Couldn't you go find an old broom closet or something, think of the first years! Jesus Christ." He says, walking over to the arm chair. He was about to sit in it when he stopped himself. He looked at Sirius, pointed at the chair and Sirius shook his head. Clearly Sirius' approval wasn't enough so he looked to you, and you shook your head too. He finally sat down and lounged quietly in the chair. Seconds later, Peter and Remus were deep in conversation about last potions class. Remus stopped talking, looked you, then to Sirius, then to James and then continued talking. Peter went to sit beside you but James stood up and grabbed him. 

"Do not sit there. Dark deeds were performed on this couch." James warned, narrowing his eyes at Sirius. 

"Well then, what kind of dark deeds?" Peter says, curious.

"You do not want to know mate, you do not want to know." James answers and scowls at Sirius. Sirius just shrugged his shoulders and smiled innocently. 

"Okay then. I'll just sit here." Wormtail says and takes James' spot. Remus takes the other arm chair and begins to secretly stare at you. James has no other chair to sit in besides the end of the couch that you and Sirius were not occupying. 

"No.... no just no." He says, refusing Sirius' silent offer to sit on the couch and plops down on the floor. You look at the clock and see that it's almost breakfast so you stand up, drag Sirius up with  you and start towards the door. 

"Please just leave the furniture alone and stick to the broom closets." James pleads winking at you. Peter has the expression of utmost horror on his face, as if he just realized what you and Sirius had done last night. Remus on the other hand, looked completely confused and clueless as o what James was hinting at. You smile kindly at him before intertwining, you and Sirius' hands and heading down to breakfast, and not to fuck in a nearby broom closet.

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