Chapter 14

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The homework was consistently harder right from the first day, but you and Remus managed to get through it. Your first Quidditch game was coming nearer and nearer and you couldn't help but be nervous. You haven't really been on your game in practises and its not helping your confidence either.

IT was the day of and you woke up with the sun in your eyes. Lily was still fast asleep so you quietly grab your Quidditch gear and slip out into the common room. You sit down on the couch and hear a small whimper. You stand up immediately and look down, you see a black dog curled up on the couch looking up at you with puppy eyes.

"Sirius, what the hell are you doing?" You say sitting down beside him and stoke his back. He curls up beside you and rubs against you. You contemplate going down early but decide against it. Instead you turn into a wolf and join Sirius. You are slightly bigger than him in wolf form but his strength makes up for it. You curl up in front of him and he closes the distance between you two. He rests him head in the bridge of your neck and puts one leg over you. You lay there for about fifteen minutes before the door of the boy's dorm opens and Remus walks out. His was a hot mess, his hair sticking up all over the place, low pyjama pants and no shirt exposing his muscular but scarred chest. He closes the door behind him and then looks up. When he sees you and Sirius on the couch, a glint of jealousy hints from behind his eyes. You get up from the couch and trot over to him before standing up on your hind legs and licking his cheek. He smiles and lets out a laugh that rings through the room. You hear a small growl from behind you but decide you are imagining things as you push Remus down on the floor. You pin him down playfully before lying down on top of him. There's no doubt that your weight was the only thing keeping him down because he struggled under you. You look up at the clock and see that there's little time until the match. James would be absolutely furious if you were late, the game was against Slytherin after all.

You quickly jump off Remus and change back into your human form. You rush into the washroom and change into your Quidditch gear before returning to the common room to find Remus and Sirius shooting daggers at each other with death glares. You hug each of them before saying.

"See you on the pitch." And leaving. You grab your broom and run down to the pitch. The stands are full of people dressed in silver and green and red and gold. You rush down to the change rooms where James was giving a pep talk to the team.

"____, thank goodness you're hear. I thought we would have to play without you. Where were you? Second thought, don't answer that." He says and continues his speech. You hear the announcer say the Slytherin's names and prepare to jog off into the court. The announcer begins and calls James' name first then yours and then the rest of the team. You jog off behind James and smile at the crowd. You scan the crowd for Sirius, Remus and Peter and immediately find them. Remus' hair was still a mess, but he had a Gryffindor scarf wrapped around his neck and covering his chin. Peter looked like Peter, and he happened to be losing his balance on the stands and almost falling backwards. Sirius had his long black hair pulled back into a loose bun and strands at the front were hanging loosely in front of his eyes. A Hufflepuff girl was flirting with him but you knew he wouldn't agree to whatever she wanted. He was still 'saving himself for someone special'. You wonder when you will find out who that person is as you kick off the ground and soar into the sky. The other Chaser had the quaffle and was dodging around blusters and Slytherin chasers. James and the Slytherin seeker were soaring high above the play looking fro the snitch. The Gryffindor chaser passed to the other Gryffindor chaser who charged off towards the hoops. You look over and nod to the girl who nods in return and speeds up as she heads straight for the far left hoop. Just as she winds up to throw the quaffle in, the keeper throws himself towards that hoop while she throws you the quaffle and you score an easy ten points for Gryffindor. You hear Sirius and Remus' faint cheers in the crowd as you return to your side of the pitch to steal the quaffle. One of the Slytherin chasers had the quaffle and was charging towards the middle hoop. You hear a loud ringing from behind you and you duck last minute to avoid a bludger hit you one of the Gryffindor beaters. The blunger hits the Slytherin chaser square in the chest and knocks the quaffle out o his hand. You dive down and grab it while signalling for your chasers to go up a head and be ready for a pass. You pass between each other, dodging bludgers and players along the way until you are passed the quaffle and given a clear shot. You take it and hear the victorious cheers from the Gryffindor side of the stands.

The game continues like this until the score is 250 Gryffindor and 100 Slytherin. The pressure was on to catch the snitch and you could see James begin to get nervous through his flying. Finally you see James dive and the Slytherin follow suit. You avert your eyes from them and focus on the task in front of you. You see the Slytherin chaser winding up to score and you see the Gryffindor keeper dive in the opposite direction. You act on pure instinct as you fly straight in front of the quaffle knocking it off its path with the tail of your broom. You grab the quaffle and pass it to your fellow chaser who flies down the pitch. You see James and the Slytherin chaser reaching out for the snitch below you as you fly down the pitch too, awaiting a pass. You were getting awfully close to the end of the pitch and the chaser hasn't communicated any plans to you, but you kept flying. At the last minute, she looked as though she was about to crash into the Keeper but pulls up right in front of him, throwing you the quaffle. The Keeper flew in your direction to avoid crashing so you didn't have a clear shot. You twisted under him and scored the final points as you hear the whistle blow meaning the snitch has been caught. You look down and see the Slytherin flying victoriously around clutching the snitch in his hands. The crowds goes silent as they wait for the final points.

"The final score is 250 Slytherin and 260 Gryffindor meaning Gryffindor wins by ten points!" And cheers erupt from the crowd. You fly up to James and give him a hug as you were both smiling big goofy smiles. You and James fly down together, talking deeply about the manoeuvre that you pulled for the last goal. You reach the ground and walk over to the stands where Sirius, Peter and Remus are waiting for you. You rush over to Remus as James walks over to Peter. You jump into Remus' arms and he picks you up into his arms and spins you around. You're laughing and smiling widely as he puts you down. You then run over to Sirius, expecting a warm hug, but instead find his lips pressed against yours. At first his lips are harsh and un forgiving as if he was forcing himself to do this, but they soften and his mouth open along with yours. You wrap your arms around his neck and play with the ends of his hair as he puts both his hands n your lower back. You pull away smiling.

"I've been waiting to do that since first year." He says putting your foreheads together and pressing another soft kiss his on your lips. Remus and Peter begin to clap, Remus looking slightly annoyed while James pretends to while away a fake tear.

"Well done mate." James says, patting Sirius on the back. We walks behind you and whispers...

"Have fun with that one." And walking over to Remus. He says something to Remus that ticks him off. He casts a harsh look at Sirius before smiling at you.

"I just realized, I've forgotten something." He says and walks back up to the castle.

"What's up with him?" You say out loud, confused.

"His time of the month in coming up." Sirius says, wrapping an arm around you and leading all four of you back up to the castle. 

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