Chapter 16

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You slam you book shut and walk out of the bathroom. You walk over to your dresser and grab a matching set of underwear and bra as well as a pair of black leggings and a over-sized Gryffindor sweater. You throw on your clothes and take the towel out of your hair. You dry it carefully and braid it into to dutch braids. You walk down from the dorm and into the common room which was scarcely empty aside from Remus, Sirius, James and Peter. Peter was wearing a redshirt and jeans and was lounging on an armchair staring blankly at the fire. James was wearing a trench coat and blue jeans and was deep in conversation with Sirius. Sirius was wearing a leather jacket and black pants and was talking to James using multiple curse words per sentence. Remus was wearing a white shirt and a college style Gryffindor jacket and black jeans. He was leaning against reading a book. He was the first one to notice you and smiled kindly at you. Sirius clearly sensed you presence and immediately cuts off his conversation with James and walks over to you.

"Hello beautiful." He says and kisses your forehead. You smile and hug him sweetly. Remus slams his book closed startling everyone before saying.

"Shall we go?" And starting for the door. You walk the entire way with Sirius' arm wrapped around your waist. His hand would sometimes slip below your waist and he would squeeze your ass which brought a smile to your face. You were all deep in conversation except Remus who was oddly silent with an expression of disgust upon his beautiful face. When you arrive at Hogsmeade you go straight to the Three Broomsticks where the five of you spend your entire day laughing and drinking butter beer. Everyone except Remus of course. He was quiet and didn't say a word the entire time except when you arrived at the front of the castle. The sun was setting and the full moon was peeking through the trees. He just looked at you all and you nodded in return. He dashed off into the trees and you and Sirius hurry to catch up with him, James and Peter behind you. When you finally arrive at the Shrieking Shack you find a wolf curled up in the corner, whimpering silently. You all know better then to try and approach him in human form so you al transform quietly before walking up to him. You nudge his head with yours and the whimpering immediately stops. He open his green eyes to look at you.He licks your face and you do the same smiling inside. You back away so the others can say their hellos. When Sirius approaches Moony, instead of a grateful lick or a kind shove, he's greeted with a low growl and bared teeth. Sirius looks taken aback but doesn't budge. Moony takes a step towards him and the growling becomes louder. Sirius is much smaller than Moony and begins to back up. You step in between the two dogs and stare at Remus straight in the eyes. He stops his growling and backs up in the corner again, as though he just realized that he was attacking his best friend. You look back at Padfoot who looks just as scared as Peter and James whose eyes were full of fear. You walk up to Remus, and plop down beside him, knowing how hard it is to be him right now. He rolls over to face you and see fear in his eyes too. You press both your heads together and curl into the curve of his body. You signal to Padfoot, Wormtail and Prongs to leave and that you have got it under control. Wormtail and Prong leave as they're told but Padfoot doesn't budge. He just sits there, reluctantly before you look him deep in the eyes and growl quietly. He finally leaves, allowing you and Remus to fall asleep in each others warmth and company.

It has been two weeks since your last Hogsmeade trip and that odd full moon. Dating Sirius has been the best time of your life.He has made the schoolwork and pressure go away with his sweet kisses and the pain of seeing Remus like this vanishes when Sirius is there. You sat, in wolf form, curled up on Remus' chest in the boys dorm room reading along with him. For the first time in a while he seemed truly happy and his smile seemed genuine. He sat up and closed his book, joining the conversation between the rest of the boys. He stroked your back softly and occasionally scratched behind your ears sending shivers through your body. You were about to fall asleep when you hear Sirius call your name.

"Moons, can you help me with my Transfiguration homework now?" He says, waking you. You nod and hop off Remus' chest and walking over to Sirius. On your way over, you transform back into your human form and dust off your shoulders.

"Thanks babe."He says leading you down the stairs.

"Night, boys." You call out as you head out of the room.

It is almost midnight when you finish Sirius' homework. The common room was silent aside from the crackling wood front the fire. You sat on the couch, wearing one of Sirius' over-sized Gryffindor sweaters which fell off on side, exposing your shoulder and black bra strap. You platinum blonde hair held up in a bun with your wand, the way Sirius always had his.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go to bed if your done your homework." You say standing up. A familiar pair of hands grabs your waist and pulls you down.

"Do you really think I needed your help with my Transfiguration homework when I already had it doe?" He teases in your ear.

"Well, if you had it done then why the fuck did we spend three hours doing something you already did?" You say, clearly pissed off.

"I just wanted to get you and me alone together. And I love watching you work, the way you bite your bottom lip when you concentrate, the way your reading glasses slip off your nose, how you smile contently at your work when you are down with it. And I wanted to do this." He says before smashing your lips together. You melt slowly into his kiss, pressing your bodies closer together. You wrap your arms around his neck and trace around a scar. He slips a hand under your sweater and massages your back. He pulls away, then smirks and dives for your neck. At first he kisses up and down your scars. One scar goes from behind your ear down to your collarbone. When he reaches you collarbone, you throw your head back in pleasure. He smirks again before closing in on that spot, biting and sucking and kissing. You push him off you and he looks rather disappointed.

"I swear to god, if you fucking dare say later again I you don't wanna know what I'll do to you." He says. You laugh at the threat before smashing your lips together once more. You play with the ends of his shirt before pulling it over his head. You begin to suck on his lower lip as you fondle with button of his pants. He presses you bodies together and your tongues collide, battling for dominance. He pulls your sweater over your head and he wins, his tongue taking dominance over your mouth. The night just keeps getting better with every moan of pleasure and every soft kiss. You collapse onto his naked body, feeling his ripped chest rise and fall with exhaustion. You pull a blanket over the two of you and you fall asleep in each others arms, butt naked.

And that is how you lost your virginity to Sirius Black.

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