Chapter 13

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~Time Skip To Year Five Because That's Where The Exciting Shit Happens~

You are now 15 and about to start your fifth year at Hogwarts. You've continued to keep your title as top of the class for the last four years. You have grown closer with your friends, Remus, Sirius, James and Peter. Every full moon, you would all go out into the forbidden forest and help Remus through his turning. This only made you closer, especially with Remus. You found yourself spending almost everyday with him. You two were rarely alone together, there was always another Marauder but still. You would spend hours in the library together studying, doing more talking than studying but half the time you would fall asleep on top of each other. Whenever you weren't with Remus, you were with Sirius. Sirius had become very attractive and had girls fawning over him, left right and centre. To why he didn't date one of the most attractive girls that have asked him out. Whenever you asked he always said that he was saving himself for someone else. To who that someone else is, you don't know. Sometimes you catch him looking at you from across the table but just as you try and return the look, he averts his eyes. You were now on the Quidditch team with James. He was the Seeker and you were the top Chaser. Your first game was coming ever nearer, it was to happen the fourth week after classes started again.

You wake up and go into the washroom to wash your face. You look at your self in the mirror. The tree oil worked as planned and you removed all the scars from your face except the one that goes through your eye brow and your left eye. Where the cut went through your brow the hair was shaved clean off and never grew back. You decided to keep the scars on your sides and the paw print on your neck is like a faint tattoo now. You throw water on your face and let down your waist length platinum blonde hair from the messy bun in which you slept in. You throw on some clothes and prepare to walk downstairs. Today was the day that all the students arrive back from summer holidays. Which meant the Marauders would be back together again.

You walk down to the train station with Hagrid and wait for the train to arrive. Half an hour later the train arrives and you are bouncing up and down in excitement. The doors on the train begin to open and Sirius is the first to exit the train. You see each other at the same moment and you both run to each other. You both embrace in a tight hug and he picks you up and spins you around.

"I've missed you so much." He says letting you down. You look past him and see Remus exit the train next.

"Remus!" You call out and run to him. He looks startled but quickly drops his books and embraces you into one of his famous hugs. You stand there, just hugging each other for a few seconds.You look over at Sirius who looks strongly jealous, but the expression is lost in his beautiful smile. You pull away and look him straight in the eyes.

"You have absolutely no idea how much I've missed you." He says hugging you again. Peter and James exit the train next and you hug them both at the same time, one arm around each.

"Nice to see you too Moons." James says.

"I'm sorry, I've just missed you all so much. I don't know if I'll be able to survive next summer." You say walking over to Sirius and Remus who were in deep conversation. They grab their stuff and head towards the castle. You talk all the way their about your summers and mostly of times thinking; if James were here, or if Sirius were here... You arrive at the castle later than intended with only a few minutes left until the feast. You all decide to skip and go outside and play a bit of Quidditch, just the five of you.

You plated for hours until the crescent moon was just above your heads. You decide to turn in and go to bed as classes start tomorrow and you know that Lucius with seize any chance to steal your title as top of the class. You say goodnight to Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. and push open your dorm door that reads; Fifth Years: ____ Smith, Lily Evans. You say hello to Lily and have a small conversation with her before falling asleep in the comfort of your bed.

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