Chapter 8

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The school year drones on. You stay on top of your studies and are one of the top students along with Remus, Lucius and a boy named Severus Snape. You and Remus often go to the library and study together and Peter sometimes joins you while James and Sirius go and fool around. They rely heavily on you and Remus' notes and help. Every time they ask you for your notes you just look at each other and roll your eyes before handing your notes over. 

September is relatively easy as the teachers take it easy as the school year starts. The homework is relatively easy and you find that your favourite class is Defence Against the Dark Arts. October comes along and flies by quickly along with November. The end of December is approaching and it's the last night before the students leave for Christmas break. James and Peter are going home and Remus and Sirius are staying. Considering the fact that you have no home, besides Hogwarts of course, you stay too. You say goodnight to the boys as the sun begins to set. You begin to think of your first few experiences of Hogwarts and hat you've learned. The boys have been very helpful with understanding most things, especially Remus. They've always had your back, except for a few times. Once every month, all four boys disappear and don't return until the next morning. The first time they said they were going to bed early, the second late night studying, and third some sort of private group meeting that you couldn't attend. You suddenly realize how awkward the situation is. You fall asleep trying to decipher recent events.

You wake up to cool air and silence. You throw on some clothes and walk down stairs, expecting a bustling common room, full of people saying goodbye and packing up their things. But instead you find an almost empty room. There is one sixth year climbing out the portrait hole as you enter the room. You decide to use the situation to your advantage and run to your room and grab a book. Lily had already left early so you had your room all to yourself. You also grab your spare blanket and cuddle up on the couch by the fire. You read for about an hour before the sun begins to rise and the sunlight creeps through the room. You read for a couple more hours watching as people leave with some of their stuff. Finally, at about 8:30, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter emerge from the boy's dorm stairs. 

"Hey ____!" James says, waving over at you. 

"Hey James, Peter, Sirius, Remus." You say and nod to them all as they walk over to you. Sirius sits beside you and James beside him, while Remus and Peter grab chairs opposite you. 

"We've figured it out." Peter exclaims happily.

"Figured what out?" You ask, curious.

"You know how we've always wanted a name for our group?" Peter says. You nod your head silently.

"We're the Ma-" Peter starts.

"Marauders!" James finishes.

"I came up with it, I should have gotten to say it." Sirius blurts. 

"I like it." You say smiling.

"And we've also got nicknames." Peter says, clearly angry.

"I'm Prongs, Peter is Wormtail, Sirius is Padfoot, you're Moonsong and Remus is Moony." James says confidently. All three of them look at you patiently. You're speechless and smile instead.

"Well, what do you think?" Sirius asks, clearly offended by your lack of words.

"I...I...I love it!" You exclaim slamming your book shut, startling Remus who was dozing off.

"We spent almost all night coming up with it. Its why Moony's so tired." James says nodding at Remus who was falling asleep again.

The rest of the day was a blur. You, Sirius and Remus said goodbye to James and Peter who left after lunch. There were surprisingly no other Gryffindors staying for the break, just a few Slytherins, five Ravenclaws and two Hufflepuffs. You didn't know what to do. You had your books, but usually you always had some test to study for or some paper to write. You end up spending he night the same as you spent your morning, curled up on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, reading a book. Every now and then you'd fall asleep and wake up again to the sound of Remus' laughter, Sirius was clearing on a roll with his jokes. 

"How early did you get up this morning?" Remus asks, concern in his voice.

"Like 3:30 maybe, I dunno." You answer sleepily.

"Oh my." Remus says.

"But I'll be fine, I've dealt with worse." You say reassuringly before looking back down and continuing your reading. You fall asleep yet again but this time there is no laughter to wake you. You feel yourself tople over to one side and rest your head on something warm and comforting.

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