Chapter 15

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You rested soundly that night, cuddled up in Sirius' arms watching the fire. You were on the couch with Sirius and Remus was sitting on the other end. The Gryffindor common room was completely silent aside from the sounds of Sirius' breathing and you and Remus' conversation. Remus was avoiding your eyes, you could tell because whenever he looked at you, he immediately looked away as though what he saw pained him. He kept his eyes mostly on the fire as you talked over Sirius' quiet snores. You watched as the light of the fire flickered in his eyes and across his face casting shadows in all the right places. His freckles were illuminated along with his eyes, and his messy auburn hair casts dark shadows on his forehead. HIs scars were hidden from the light making him the ideal picture of beauty. You look from him to Sirius who looked so peaceful in his sleep. His long dark hair was a mess and his bun was more of a ponytail now. He had a cute smile on his face as he pulled you closer to his chest. You leant your head on his chest and felt the rise and fall of his chest. Remus continued to talk, mostly about classes and homework. You are almost asleep when he finishes and looks over at you. He a hint of disgust creeps across his face before he looks directly at you and smiling contently. That was the last thing you saw before you fell into the best sleep you'd had for months.

You wake up the next morning to sun in your eyes and a blanket over your shoulder. Remus was sleeping at the other end of the couch, his feet inches from you. You look up at Sirius who was smiling down at you.

"Morning." He says and plants a soft kiss on your lips.

"Morning." You say sleepily. Remus stirs and turns over in his sleep, a scowl across his face.

"What classes do we have today?" Sirius says as you sit up and meet his eyes with yours.

"It's Sunday dipshit." You tease and look lovingly at him.

"It's gonna be that kind of relationship then?" He says, letting out a small chuckle.

"What do you mean?" You say puzzled.

"You know, the one that's always swearing and everyone thinks were crazy but that's just our way of showing affection." He says making awkward hand gestures.

"Yes, that's exactly the type of relationship ship this is going to be." You say kissing him and biting his bottom lip softly. He clearly takes this as an invitation to make out and presses your lips together. He pushes into you and you push back, feeling a smile cross his lips while his hands begin to wander down your back and to your waist. You put one hand behind his head and begin to pull at the ends of his hair and twist it between your fingers. He uses his other hand to undo your bun and your hair cascades down you back in waves of platinum blonde. A low grumble emerges from Remus and you pull away. Sirius looks slightly offended but stops and relaxes back in the arm of the couch.

"Later." You say and wink at him before resting your head on his chest again. Remus wakes up and stretches his arms and yawns. His messy hair and oversized sweater compliment him in every way.

"Good morning." He says rubbing his eyes.

"Morning Moony." You and Sirius say in unison. He looks at you puzzled before looking at Sirius and smiling.

"How was your sleep?" You say, placing a hand on Sirius' chest.

"I've had better to be honest." Remus says standing up, his sweater falling off to one side exposing much of his scarred muscular shoulder.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." You say thoughtfully. Remus stares at you for a second and smiles before Sirius wraps his arm around you and looking rather sternly at Remus. Remus clearly gets the message and head's towards the door to the boy's dorm.

"I'm gonna go and get ready for today, I think we're going to Hogsmeade." He says and leaves.

"What's up with you two?" You say looking from the door to Sirius.

"What do you mean?"He responds.

"You and Moony haven't talked without shooting daggers at each other for weeks. Are you two okay?" You say, concerned.

"Like I said before, his time of the month is coming up, so best just leave him alone." Sirius says, avoiding the question.

"Yeah, but you two were like this as soon as you got off the train from King's Cross." You say, determined to get an answer.

"I guess we just haven't been seeing eye to eye lately, also he's very worked up with O.W.L. s coming up too." He says.

"Oh, well then." You say and get up. You attempt to stand up, but a pair of hands grabs you by the waist and pulls you back down. Sirius pulls you down so you are sitting on his lap.

"Where do you think you're going?" He teases wrapping his arms around your middle.

"We're going to Hogsmeade today, remember. And I didn't have time to shower after the Quidditch game yesterday. Come to think of it, how come you haven't told me I stink yet, I probably smell terrible." You start, looking back at him over your shoulder.

"You smell absolutely fine." He says kissing your neck. You roll your head to one side exposing more of your neck to his kisses.

"Later." He teases, looking pleased with how he got you to surrender to him. A mad smirk crept across his face as he pushed you up the stairs into the girls dorm. You showered quickly and decided to read before changing. You sat, on the floor of the bathroom, in your towel with Lord Of The Rings in your hands reading contently thinking of the weeks to come. 

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