Chapter 1

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You hear your adoptive parents yelling at each other from upstairs as you run down the stairs and into a hidden closet in your basement. You throw your head in your hands and fight to hold back tears. Your parents always beat you when they saw or hear you crying. The thought of your parents beating you only. made you want to cry more, but you manage to fight through it. You rock back and forth wrapping your arms around your knees, listening to the sounds of your parent's feet above you. 

You hear the doorbell ring and your mother storm off to answer the door. A low but quiet voice speaks and you listen as the new pair of footsteps enters you house. 

"____, someone is hear to see you. Get up here, NOW!" You hear your mother yell. And you climb up the stairs, trying to compose yourself. You exit the stairwell and see a tall old man. He is wearing rather unusual robes and a flimsy hat. He has long grey hair and a beard that goes down past his waist. 

"Hello, you must be ____." The man speaks in a soft soothing tone. 

"Yes, I am ____ Smith." You say, not looking him in the eyes. 

"Well I am here to invite you to attend my school. It is not that far from here and I am sure you would have a good time." He says, smiling down at you.

"I'll go!" You exclaim, still in your quiet voice. You look over at your mother who casts an angry look at you. You don't care what the school is like, you just want to be away from your parents. 

"Well then, its settled. Do you need to assemble your things?" The stranger asks, still smiling. You nod and run to your room and grab a small wolf stuffy, which was the only thing you had left of your birthparents. You run back to the tall man and stand by his side. 

"Goodbye, Mr. And Mrs. Smith." The man says and turns and leaves. You stand there for a second staring at your parents. They look absolutely furious but before they can do anything, you run after the man, closing the front door behind you. 

"I am Albus Dumbledore, but you will call me Professor Dumbledore and I am the headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." He says walking beside you. You walk for a few more minutes in silence until you finally speak up.

"Professor Dumbledore?" You ask.

"Yes ____?" He responds not looking at you. 

"Where are we going?" You ask, quietly.

"We are going to a place called Diagon Alley where we will get your school supplies." He replies, looking ahead. All of the sudden a wave of fear come over you and you stop in your tracks. The only home you have ever known is gone and your in a new world now. Dumbledore keeps walking until he stops at the end of the sidewalk.

"____?" He asks softly.

"Yes." You say, so quiet it was almost a whisper.

"I know you may be scared, but you will soon see that there is no need to be afraid." As you two continued to walk, Dumbledore explained everything about the Wizarding World and about the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts and what you will learn in the coming seven years. You feel better now, you have a better understanding of the world you are about to become a part of. 

Dumbledore leads you down a corridor and then another and stops at a dead end. He smiles back at you before tapping a brick with his wand. You watch as the bricks spread apart leaving a passageway to a very busy street which you could only assume was Diagon Alley, your first exposure to this new world.

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