Questions asked

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These are some questions I came on to see this morning Lol sooo..answering them real quick.

- I promise I will try to be on there as soon as I can. I PROMISE.

how's school with U??
- school is great tiring stressful the usual.

How's Justin? Why did he break up with girlfriend?
- uhh Justin is pretty good I guess and I don't know and I don't care lmao. Not my business 😁 but he's my brother and I do want him being happy and I see that he is now, so that's all that matters.

Why haven't u been on wattpad?
- tbh my head kept hurting for a weak straight and I couldn't do or focus on anything. I got so dizzy everytime I got up. My dad took me to the doctor and they told me it was from being on my phone too much, it's hurting my eyes and that's damaging my brain, so I'm forced to lay off my phone for a while. I am on and off but mostly off :/ I hope U guys understand.

Do this for you guys too! Please at least Use Ur phone/computer 2 hours a day. Don't let what happened to me, happen to U. I promise it's not good. Or just at least rest ur eyes for 10 minutes everytime Ur on ur phone, computer or WaTever for more then 40 minutes. Get up and walk around and focus on something else that's at least 15ft away from where U are standing. Most importantly try as hard as U can to never use it when U are going to sleep in the dark. It does not matter if u have perfect eye sight. Trust me I do, lol they told me I don't need glasses but it's still hurting me and I will need them soon if I don stop.

Those were Tips I got from the doctor lmfaoooo. Not only u are damaging Ur eyes but Ur Brian too!! ITS NOT WORTH TEXTING, OR READING OR BEING ON TWITTER, I PROMISE UR HEALTH COMES FIRSTTTT!!

Soooo that's why I haven't been on and that's why I will not be on as much anymore..or at least until I get better.

ANYWAYSSS Umm I think those were the ones mostly asked. I hope U guys enjoyed Ur break and everything Is going great and if it's not I proomise it will get better keep Ur head high. I love each and everyone one of U❤️❤️❤️❤️

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