Frequently Asked Questions

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How many brothers do u have?

- 3. Justin, Ezra and Zachary.

When is ur birthday?

- April 5th

Whose ur favorite Justin or Ezra?

- I love both but maybe Justin a tiny bit more heh.

Do u play sports other then basketball?

- I also play soccer, baseball and Justin been taking me to football practices these days so that too.

What's ur favorite color?

- blue.

Do u have any other social media's other then wattpad?

- nope not really.

When ur not on wattpad what do u do?

- I'm usually outside playing with friends all day then on wattpad at night.

Reading or writing?

-I love both!! But if I had to pick maybe reading.

Why did u join wattpad? And how did u find out about it?

- well I remember the guys being over our house with Justin and they were sitting around and I think they were doing a chapter for "How We Think" and I walked in and asked what they were doing and Seth told me about wattpad then like 3 days later I went on wattpad from Justin's phone and checked it out and I really liked I asked him i can join and he said ya so I did lol. I joined it because it seemed really cool, u can write and read and talk to people!!

Are u and Lexi dating yet? (i have so many people asking this): guys I have said it and I'm gonna say it again please respect my privacy. Me and her aren't dating yet for a reason and that reason stays between us. But its a YET so yes we are still gonna be together just not yet

So those are the Frequently asked questions.

If u have any more, send them.


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