Chapter 43

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I stay in the hallway of Caroline's private clinic as the guys go one by one to get tested for drugs. I know for a fact that my Cakey has never used anything, so I'm not really worried. But not every team member is like him. Who's to say they are as clean as my Cakey?

As I sit in the waiting room, I go over the news from Gunner's club. Ever since Blake and I moved out of the clubhouse, I've been in constant contact with my brothers and the guys from the club about Patrick's whereabouts. My 'fans' have been tremendously helpful with this. We got new information every damn day and thanks to that, Adrian could make a map of areas where Patrick was frequently seen. He's roaming around the neighborhood where Blake and I used to live.

Unfortunately, every time he's spotted, he quickly disappeared.

"Hey Lia, sorry I'm late but I had to talk to the dean." I hear Coach Jones pant as he sits in the chair beside me.

"No problem. The guys are being good. We're almost done actually." I shrug.

"Thanks for arranging this. I seriously didn't want to make it public, but I had no trusted places to do this."

"Like I said, no problem. Any issue with the team is my issue because it directly affects my man, so I don't mind helping out. Did you talk to Evan? I tried to pull some strings and visit him, but the officer in charge is being pretty stubborn about him having no contact with anyone." I implore. I've tried to see Evan and talk to him to see if this whole situation will get the team in trouble, but I couldn't even get anywhere near him. There's apparently a new officer working at the station and he's... overly ambitious and extremely stern. I don't know who he is but, as usual, I already took measures to find out more about him.

Now I'm just waiting for any info on him that Adrian is going to get for me. Oh boy, I'm using my brothers so much.

"I didn't see him, much less talk to him. I heard he's being charged with drug possession, drug dealing and an assault."


"He supposedly got in a fight with his customer." Coach emphasizes the word with distaste. Damn you, Evan!

"Fuck, that's serious."

"Yeah. – Coach sighs – If someone on the team is using, we can be fucking suspended from the championships. I sure hope the guys are clean."

"Me too."

"Hey, babe." Blake comes out of Caroline's office and immediately sits next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey. How's it going in there?"

"Quite smoothly, actually. I thought they'd be more worried about getting tested, but everyone's pretty calm."

"Good. I'll go talk to the doctor if you don't mind." Coach responds then gets up from his seat and walks to Caroline's office.

"How is it really going?" I turn to my Cakey, giving him an imploring look.

"Not good. The guys heard about Evan's situation and are kinda pissed at him for getting in trouble. This shit affects us all."

"I know. I just hope it ends well." I sigh, leaning my head on Blake's shoulder tiredly.

"I heard one weird thing from Dave, though." I can hear the confusion in his voice, so I turn to face him.


"Yeah. He said he was called by the cops for questioning. But the cop sounded... strange. I don't know the details cause we couldn't really talk with all the ruckus in there, but apparently everyone on the team, you included, will be taken to the station for interrogation because the cop in charge suspects that the team is a fucking drug ring in disguise. Can you believe that? A national college football team a drug ring! That's insane!"

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