Chapter 55

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The whole way to Atlanta is more than nerve-wracking. I really don't know what my family will be like. I don't know what Anna told them about me, but from Aiden told me over the phone, she didn't really paint a pretty picture. She told them about my fighting, my dad and even about my relation to the bikers. She made sure to make me seem like a fucking criminal, even though she's the one that betrayed me when Patrick caught me.

If she thinks she can mess up my life, she's fucking mistaken.

I'm ready to face anyone who gets in my way. I'm not a weak little girl that's afraid of confrontation. There are people who support me and are loyal to me, so I'm not a bit concerned about my family not accepting me. I don't need their approval.

All I need is to have Blake and my real family. I don't care about anyone else.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear. "Hey, baby. Why are you awake?" Blake groans beside me, throwing his arm over me as he pulls me into his side.

"I couldn't sleep. I'm still thinking about meeting them all..."

"Don't worry too much, kitten. – my man kisses my head lovingly – No matter what happens, I'm here with you. One word and we're going back to Walford."

"I know." I snuggle into Blake, putting my arms around him under his shirt, loving the feel of his smooth warm skin under my hands. He's always so fucking warm it's unbelievable.

"Try to take a nap, baby. We still have two more hours to go..." He murmurs into my ear quietly, rubbing my back and waist comfortingly.

"Just a short one, I don't want to look like a mess when we meet everyone." I mumble into his shoulder, letting his scent lull me to sleep.

I wake up to Blake's quiet murmuring as he kisses my face. "Come on, baby, open those eyes for me."

"What time is it?" I groan tiredly.

"We're landing soon." I sigh at this. Guess I'm going to look like crap after all.

"Why the fuck did I agree to this thing?" I bemoan, burying my face in Blake's shoulder.

"Because you have a big heart." He teases, getting a glare from me.

"Not funny." I grumble.

I stay barely awake during the landing, too tired to even speak. I have too much on my mind. Apparently, there will be the whole family at my grandparents' house. And by whole, I mean whole. Aiden said all the uncles, aunts and cousins are going to be there, from both sides of the family. That's a lot of people.

And I have no idea what they're like.

As soon as Blake and I enter the waiting area, we're met by a grinning Aiden holding a huge sign with 'CAKEY & KITTEN' on it. Cheeky asshole.

"You just had to embarrass me publicly, didn't you?" I chuckle as he greets me with a bear hug.

"Adrian made me do it." Aiden rushes out.

"Blaming your younger brother? Wow..." I tease, getting a cheeky grin in response.

"It's true." He shrugs.

After my brother greets Blake, we all head to Aiden's car outside then let him take us to grandpa Joe's house. Said Joe is none other than Anna's late husband's father, which means I'm not even related to him. So why did he want to meet me?

Blake keeps my hand tightly squeezed in his and just draws circles on the back of it comfortingly as we near the huge white mansion. My nerves are spiking as Aiden parks the car in front of the building. I catch sight of over ten cars in the driveway. Holy shit, how many people are there?!

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