Chapter 46

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I hold my girl as she cries, knowing she needs to get this off her chest. She just completely cut off her mother after getting betrayed by her in the worst way possible. Anna stabbed her in the back then tried to make herself look like she was the victim.

But it was my girl that was unconscious for four days after being beaten and whipped. It was Lia that fought for her life as that fucker Patrick tried to rape her.

I frown at this, suddenly realizing that Lia said she was actually raped.

"Kitten." I cup her cheek gently, careful of her bruises.

"What is it?"

"Did... did that asshole actually... hurt you? Did he do what I think he did?" I ask brokenly, not missing Tyson's imploring gaze as he realizes what I'm saying.

"He... he did. He managed to get it in, but once I killed him I got it out." I sigh heavily at this. I have no words. I can't believe my poor kitten had to go through the same nightmare again.

I press a kiss to Lia's head then pick her up and carry her to the living room, where I gently sit her on the couch. "I'll get you something to eat, okay? Just wait here." I get a short nod from my girl then walk to the kitchen where I see Tyson already getting ingredients out of the fridge.

"I can cook, you know." I tell him with a chuckle.

"I know, but I want to. It'll help me take my mind off everything." He murmurs quietly as he chops the veggies.

I don't bother replying to that. I was thinking of the same thing. I need to get my mind off what happened to Lia or I will go crazy. "Where's Lia's sling? She needs to get her arm in it so she doesn't hurt her shoulder." I ask. Lia's shoulder was badly dislocated and she will need to wear a sling for a few weeks to stabilize it. Caroline left one after she checked my girl up, but I don't know where it is.

"It's in the dresser in the living room."

"Thanks." I nod before walking back to Lia, leaving Tyson to cook dinner. I don't have the heart to take this away from him. I know he needs this moment of peace as much as I do. He was the one sitting by Lia's bedside all this time, with very little to no sleep or food.

"What are you looking for?" Lia questions curiously when she sees me rummaging through the drawer.

"Your sling. You need to keep your arm elevated to not irritate your shoulder." I smile at the annoyed frown on my girl's face when she hears it.

"Nooo~! I don't want to!" She cutely whines, trying to back away from me as I attempt to put it on her. "No! Dad! Get him off me!"

"Don't whine, kitten. You need to get better, not worse. Now stop squirming and let me put this on you." I admonish with a chuckle.

"Fuck it!" My girl huffs angrily when I manage to finally put the sling on. "I hate it." She grumbles, scowling deeply at nothing in particular.

"You're so cute." I peck her cheek.

"Damn you. First you don't let me walk, and now you take away my arm!" She huffs, turning her head away from me.

"Kitten, don't be so grumpy. – I tease – It's for your own good, you shouldn't strain your shoulder too much."

"But it's so annoying!" She whines, stomping her foot adorably. I don't know if it's the pills she's taking or something else, but she's crankier and cuter than usual.

"Just bear with it for a while. Once you feel better, you can take it off, okay? – I try to negotiate, but Lia's angry scowl tells me I'm not successful – Kitten, please. Do it for me? I don't want you to hurt yourself."

I watch as the angry frown on my girl's face slowly changes into a pleading one. She bats her lashes at me sweetly and I literally melt. Sitting on the couch beside her, I pull her onto my lap and pepper her face with kisses, enjoying the sound of her giggles. "Stop it! Blake!"

"Nope. It's your fault you're so cute." I say between kisses, making her laugh happily. I feel a huge weight lift off my chest as my girl laughs on my lap. She's okay. She's still my kitten.

It means everything to me to know that what Lia went through didn't break her spirit, that it didn't pull her back into that dark place she can't get out of, that it didn't destroy her.

"What are you smiling about?" Lia teases after a while, running her fingers through my hair softly. She slowly adjusts her position so she straddles my legs and stares me deeply in the eyes. I frown at the bruises on her face, but don't say anything, knowing she wouldn't want me to point out how bad her wounds actually are.

"I'm just glad you're still the same woman I fell in love with."

Lia only hums questioningly, tilting her head lightly. "What?"

I chuckle at her cute expression. "You're still the same girl you used to be. You're still so unbelievably strong. You didn't let that fucker break you, you didn't give in to him..."

"He's dead. There's no point letting what happened affect my life anymore. At last, I can put this all behind me. – my sweet girl leans her head against my chest, wrapping her good arm around my waist under my sweater – He'll never give me nightmares again. I don't have to look over my shoulder anymore, I can finally break out of this damned circle of pain and agony."

"Yes, you can. And you have no idea how much it pleases me to see you so happy about it." I grin at her, kissing her head.

"Of course I'm happy. It's been my dream to get rid of that fucker, to forget him, to let go of everything that was holding me back. Now that I'm free from my past, I can fully concentrate on my future." She smiles lovingly, leaning up for a kiss.

I love seeing her like this. She just radiates happiness. Her eyes have this spark that has never been there before and it makes her a million times more beautiful. I've never thought it'd be possible, but once again, I'm proven wrong.

And there's nothing more heartwarming than seeing my woman being released from her past after struggling with it for so long. She's been tormented by her nightmares for years, but not anymore.

Our life can finally begin.

We can finally be at ease.

Everything and everyone that could be a threat to our future is gone.

"Kids, dinner's ready." Tyson calls out from the kitchen, getting a quick 'okay' from me in response.

My kitten doesn't release me from her embrace as I get up from the sofa and walk to the kitchen, taking a seat at the small round table by the window. Lia stays snuggled into my chest and I have to pretty much force her to turn towards the table.

When Lia is finally sitting comfortably in my lap with her side pressed against me, Tyson sets our plates on the table, chuckling quietly. "Comfy?" He teases.

"Of course I am. He's the best pillow. – Lia giggles, kissing my cheek – Apart from you of course."

"I'm touched." Tyson laughs, putting his hand on his chest mockingly.

"As you should, dad. As. You. Should." My girl says with a straight face, but I can tell she's barely stopping herself from laughing. I love seeing her so playful.

The three of us eat in peace, chatting casually about anything and everything. I tell them about the team's suspension from the championships, the whole drug thing and even coach's decision to cut the guys that have been using Evan's stuff off the team. Five of my teammates have been buying some shit from Evan and using it frequently. Coach threatened to tell the cops about their association with Even unless they agree to leave the team.

Lia gets angry, as expected, and says that Evan deserves all the shit coming his way, while Tyson only expresses how idiotic some kids may be.

The rest of our dinner goes smoothly. I know we all feel relieved to be freed of my girl's dark past. Tyson isn't so tense and snappy anymore, Lia is more playful and happy than ever and I can finally be at ease about my girl's safety. Sure, it's heartbreaking to know that she had to go through the same thing again, but it's all over now.

Everything is over.

We can at last start thinking about our future.

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