Chapter 65

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I speed through the streets, trying to get back to Joe's house as soon as possible, while Alan talks to Lia in the backseat. He keeps trying to get her to calm down a bit, but his effort is fruitless.

The moment my sister heard that Scott wants to see her, she got this mad, murderous look on her face that honestly scared me. She didn't even say anything, just marched to my car and got in. Grandpa and I barely caught her in the parking lot.

Grandpa attempts to soothe my sister's nerves, but Lia is completely inconsolable. She's out for blood.

Scott is fucked.

I don't know why that little fucker thought it would be a good idea to show up at Joe's house after breaking all those windows and hurting Blake, but he's got to be more stupid that he looks.

The problem is – he's not alone.

Lia is not going to be happy. She's this pissed about Scott being there, who knows how angry she'll get when she sees whom Scott brought with him.

I pull up in front of the house and my brows furrow in pure confusion when I see Gavin and Zach smoking on the front porch. I thought they quit.

"Wow, it must be worse than I expected." I comment as I get out of the car.

Gavin only grumbles angrily and lights up next cigarette. Uh-oh, he's chain-smoking. It's bad.

"That fucking asshole is testing my patience. The moment I see his face, I'm reminded of how he treated my sister and it takes all my willpower to not pummel his face into the floor."

"Don't you worry, I'll punch this bitch first." Lia sneers as she storms inside.

"Go stop her or she'll really kill someone." Grandpa says worriedly, slowly trudging towards us.

"She wouldn't really... kill... anyone, right?" Zach asks tentatively.

I don't say anything and just give him a serious look. She would.

Zach seems to see what I mean and quickly snubs out his cigarette and follows me inside.

The sight in front of us is... awkward.

Lia is standing by the window with Ryan beside her, holding her back as she glares hatefully at Scott and his father, Joe and Tatiana are sitting on the couch by the fireplace and all my uncles and cousins are standing by the walls with their arms folded over their chests. Their threatening stances are quite comical to me, but I can see that Scott is beyond intimidated. He looks like he's about to piss himself as he sits on the couch facing the window.

"Sweetie, why don't you take a seat, hmm?" Grandpa suggests, pausing by Lia as he walks to Joe and Tatiana. I go to Lia and stand beside her, getting a small smirk from Ryan.

"I'd rather stand. It'll be easier to catch him if he tries to run." Lia retorts coldly and I catch Scott gulping nervously.

"I won't run away. I wouldn't be able to even if I wanted." He mumbles quietly, glancing anxiously at the 'walls of muscle' standing around the room.

"Miss Devereux-" Scott's father starts but he's quickly cut off.

"Clarke." Lia corrects sternly.

"Miss Clarke, I do not appreciate the attitude. You broke my son's arm then you threaten him. I can have you sued for this." I gape at the guy in astonishment. He did not just say that to her!

Lia seems amused by the guy's attempt of intimidation. "Is that so? Then how about I have your son sued for damage of property, personal injury, assault, harassment, coercion, blackmail, threatening... Should I go on?" She smirks evilly. "Don't play a game you can't win, Mister... whatever."

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