Chapter 3

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Blake and I are resting after the long day we had, with my head lying on my man's lap and his fingers running through my hair. He had a hard practice today, but still refused to go to sleep earlier, saying he'll have nightmares without me with him.

When he first said that few months ago, I thought he was joking, but he wasn't. Blake admitted that he sometimes has nightmares about what happened during the summer. He told me that in his dreams he sees me all bloodied and hurt being carried into the clubhouse and then he sees what those guys did to me – well not exactly, since it's only an image conjured by his brain as he tries to come to terms with everything.

I knew he was having nightmares, though. I saw him struggle with them quite a few times and he would always squeeze me extremely tightly in his sleep, whimpering quietly. I never questioned him about it, but I had an idea it had something to do with what happened over the summer. He never had any troubles with nightmares before that.

"Are you really gonna do it?" Blake suddenly asks. I turn my head to look at him only to see him already watching me worriedly.

Without taking my head off his thigh, I sigh tiredly. "I don't know. I already agreed and arranged the place, but..." I trail off, unsurely.

"But what, kitten?" Blake gently pries, stroking my head soothingly. He knows I love it.

"Something feels off. – I admit – What could possibly make that Razor guy want to fight me outside of the ring? How did he know how to reach me? What's his goal? I didn't catch any hostility in his voice, so I'm thinking that maybe he doesn't want to kill me, but I just can't shake off the feeling that he's hiding something and that's why he didn't want to face me officially." I exhale a tired breath, turning over and snuggling into Blake's stomach. He's wearing my favorite black sweater that's unbelievably soft and comfy. I'm so glad I bought it for him.

"Then don't fight him. I don't want you to get hurt." My amazing man says worriedly, brushing my hair away from my face.

"Don't worry. If something goes south, the bikers will be there. I already talked to them and asked if I could fight that Razor guy at the club."

"Why can't I come?" Blake whines slightly, making me smile at his cuteness.

"You know why. – I kiss his stomach through the sweater – You have a match on Sunday and you need proper rest to be at your best. I can't drag you with me just to have you tired and lose the game. We both know how important it is. It'll decide on whether you'll enter the championship or not." I sternly tell him, putting my hand under his sweater, snuggling into his warm skin.

"Damn it. At least take your knives with you. Or better yet, your gun." He suggests. I smile at him.

"I will. But I don't think I'll need it. Like I said, Gunner and the guys will be there. You just concentrate on the game on Sunday. – I sit up and stare at my man seriously – If you lose the game, you'll sleep on the couch for a whole week, just so you know." I warn him, finally getting him to lose his serious expression.

"Okay, okay. I got it. But if anything happens, I'll kill that fucker, just so you know." He grins, leaning in for a kiss, which soon deepens and we end up making out on our couch until we fall on the floor, with me on top of Blake. Despite the seriousness of our talk just minutes ago, we end up laughing, rolling around on the fluffy carpet.

"I love you." I say, straddling Blake's stomach, leaning down to give him a kiss.

"I love you too, my kitten." We stay on the floor for a while before Blake swiftly sits up, adjusting my body so I stay glued to his torso, then turns off the TV and walks to our bedroom, where he gently lays me on top of the black satin sheets.

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