Chapter 52

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The drive to the Moths' club is tense, but I know it's mostly my fault. I let my insecurities rule me and I have unintentionally hurt my kitten. I let her think I would leave her alone. I made her cry...

My hand tightens around Lia's as I remember what happened barely hours ago. I can't believe I let myself break down like that and hurt my girl. She has enough on her shoulders, she should focus on getting better and healing, not on me.

Lia, being the sweetheart she is, immediately notices where my thoughts went and intertwines our fingers, pressing a small kiss to the back of my hand. "Don't go there, babe." She warns lightly, squeezing my hand tightly.

"I let you down... and I hate it."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. Like you once said, everyone has their weak moments. You're human, like everyone else."

"You're using my words against me again..." I shake my head at her with a chuckle, getting only a smile in response.

And just like that the tension between us dissipates.

Lia directs me to the Moths' club, but before we reach the place, we put on our masks. My kitten may have revealed her identity at the Ring, but she still wants to deal with Carpenter as Ghost, not Lia Clarke. And she wants to show Mark who he messed with. After a long argument I even let her take off her sling. Lia said she doesn't want anyone to see her weakness, since it can be used against her in the ring.

With Lia's hand in mine, we confidently walk inside the club, ignoring the looks we get from everyone outside. The second we step in the dimly lit space all eyes turn to us, some with shock, some with disbelief and some with envy. I'm already used to this, to be honest, cause I get such looks every single time I show up at the Ring with my girl. She's awesome, I know.

"And there she is! – A big guy in the back of the room exclaims loudly – Moths, let's give Ghost and Phantom a warm welcome!" He gets up from his seat and lifts his glass for a toast. Lia and I exchange shocked looks as all the guys in the club cheer loudly and bang their fists on the tables. Then the shock gives place to confusion. Phantom?

"Who the fuck is Phantom?" Lia questions curiously as we walk towards Carpenter's table.

"Him. – the guy gestures at me – I guess you didn't know your fans call your man that." He chuckles.

"I had no idea. – Lia laughs – I don't think I mind, though. But back to the matter at hand, where's the guy?"

"So eager to beat him up?" Carpenter smirks, clearly knowing what my girl intends to do with Mark.

"Yeah." Lia nods. Carpenter calls out to some of his buddies to 'bring the asshole' then turns to us with a curious look. "So... what happened with that guy? Why do you want him so bad?"

"He worked with the asshole we've been looking for, – I sneer – but he got away."

"Oh... - he nods in understanding - Hey, Ghost, can I ask for a favor?"

Lia throws me a furtive confused glance then nods at Carpenter, encouraging him to speak. "One of my guys would like to fight you."

"Ookay... Then why not arrange it through the Ring?"

Carpenter chuckles quietly. "Cause he wouldn't be allowed to fight you. The rules in the Ring are pretty strict and, as a newbie, he ain't got a chance at going against you."

"Alright... But why the sudden interest in fighting me?"

"He was at the Ring when you took off your mask. Most of my guys were. And Midget was... enchanted by you, to be honest. He's been talking about you all the time." Carpenter doesn't even hesitate to throw his friend under the bus, openly making fun of him.

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