Chapter 5

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I burst out laughing as I read the text from my girl.

Stop laughing and save me from them! It's the 16th store we've gone to and they still want more! I look around to see if she can see me, but I don't catch her anywhere.

The guys and I decided to walk around the mall so we're not bored while we wait for the girls. So here we are, roaming around aimlessly.

"What's funny?" Simon asks curiously.

"Let's go find the girls." I reply, not giving him details about how my girl needs saving from Jessie and Ally.

"Something happened?" James questions, sounding slightly worried.

"Not yet." I give him a vague answer with a smirk, heading towards the store Lia just texted me.

When we finally reach it, I'm greeted by the sight of my girl having a bunch of clothes shoved into her hands by Ally, as she tries to push Lia into the changing room. I almost laugh at the scowl on my girl's face as she resists.

"Hey girls!" James loudly greets, getting the girls' attention. I watch amused as Jessie blushes shyly, while Ally finally leaves Lia alone and goes straight to Simon, greeting him with a kiss. I make my way to my girl and pull her into my arms, chuckling quietly when she sighs in relief.

"This is horrible," She mumbles into my chest, tightening her arms around me.

"I know, kitten. Let's go home, hmm?" I rub her back soothingly, feeling how tense she is.

"I'd love nothing more. I can't deal with them anymore." I laugh at that, kissing Lia's head.

"Guys, we're going home" I announce. James and Simon give me confused looks, while the girls look disappointed for some reason.

"But we wanted to go to few more shops." Ally whines, making Lia squeeze me tighter.

"Sorry." I shrug, completely unapologetic.

"Oh come on..." Ally whines again, giving us a pleading look. Lia groans tiredly before giving Ally a stern look.

"We're going home. End of discussion. If you want, you can drag the guys around the stores." My girl states seriously, leaving the girls dumbstruck.

I unwrap Lia's arms from my waist and take her hand into mine, locking our fingers, then lead her out of the store, waving the guys as we leave.

"I just couldn't stand it anymore. How can they walk around from one store to another, changing clothes over a hundred times and still not have enough? Unbelievable." Lia mumbles adorably on our way to the car, frowning in confusion as she tries to understand the girls.

"I don't know. But I could tell you three wouldn't get along. Those two enjoy all the things you hate and they didn't even ask if you want to join them." I tell her, opening the car doors for her.

"You know me so well." Lia leans up for a kiss before getting in the car.

"Where shall we go for dinner, m'lady?" I ask in a posh British accent as we drive.

"I don't know... Anywhere is fine." Lia sighs, leaning her head on the window. I can see she's exhausted after the 5-hour shopping spree. I'm guessing she's going to take a nap when we go home, cause she still has that fight tonight and she needs rest.

We go to our usual diner for a quick bite and thankfully we don't have to wait long to be seated. Lia's about to fall asleep right on the table, looking adorable with her half-closed eyes, staring out the window sleepily.

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