Chapter 16

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The first thing that reaches me when I come home is the sound of laughter. I leave my jacket on the hanger then walk further inside, only to be greeted by the sight of Lia, Tank and Michelle chatting happily, and laughing.

With an adoring smile, I watch my girl as she enjoys herself.

"Blake!" Lia notices me first, grinning adorably. I go towards her, wordlessly plucking her from the armchair and sitting in her place, setting her on my lap with a kiss to the side of her head.

"Hey kitten. - I give her a peck - Hi guys."

"No real greeting? – Tank mocks with a raised brow – Whipped." His comment earns him a slap on the arm from Michelle.

"And I'm not ashamed of it." I smirk, kissing my girl again.

"How did it go?" Lia questions, putting her arm around me to trail her fingers over the nape of my neck.

"Gunner said he'll assign someone to watch you for a while. Maybe that way we'll find out who it is." I tell her, rubbing her waist slowly. I'd never hide anything from my girl.

"Hmm... Okay then. – she shrugs, leaning against me – Did you meet the guys?"

"Yeah, they arrived while I was talking to Gunner. They already know what's going on."

"Killer agreed to watch you, along with Ink and Brute. I hear he's working here, so he'll be nearby." Tank states, glancing at his phone.

"Yeah, Brute works in Vegas's club downtown as security. We found out about that at the opening party." I confirm with a nod.

"You went to a club? – Michelle gasps, staring at Lia in disbelief – Oh God! I'd never expect that!" She giggles, making Tank gaze at her with pure adoration. And he calls me whipped.

Lia just shrugs casually, seeing nothing strange about it. She opened up a lot after we came back. She doesn't close off from people as much as she used to, she talks freely with those who approach her, of course in a friendly manner. If someone's rude to her, she's rude to them. She also got close to the guys from the team.

The guys.

"Where are the guys? Did they leave you alone?!" I scowl angrily when I think about her being alone.

"No, no. They stayed for a while... - Lia pauses for a moment – I told them about my fighting." I hide my surprise. I did not expect to hear this.

"Really? How did they take it?"

"Pretty well. David was slightly apprehensive at first, but Simon and James seemed excited to see me fight."

"They kept calling her a badass and asking for a chance to see her in action, like two hyperactive children." Tank chuckles.

"Well she is a badass. Do you know another girl like her?" Michelle adds with a smug grin.

"No, I don't." Tank smiles, looking at Lia. "There's no one like my little sister."

"Thanks, brother." Lia winks at him.

I only gaze at my kitten lovingly, but then another thing crosses my mind. "Who's Amelia? The note was addressed to Amelia." I question with a frown, but Lia only bursts out laughing, hiding her face in my chest.

"Amelia is me. It's my birth name. – she says once she calms down a little – I never used it cause my 'parents' always called me Lia. I almost forgot what my full name was." She explains shortly and I nod in understanding.

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