Chapter 27

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I'm so close to blowing up right now it's not even funny. I tap my foot furiously as I wait in the parking lot with my arms folded over my chest. Guys from the team are standing behind me, just chatting casually, unperturbed by my worsening mood.

Even the coach knows better than to come closer, seeing how infuriated I am.

We're waiting for one of the buses that was supposed to take us to Los Angeles, but for some fucking reason it's not here yet, even though the other one's been here on time. I called the company, but they only apologized and assured that our transport will be here soon.


It's been over a fucking hour!

"Blake, go and calm your woman. She's fucking scaring me." I hear James exclaim quietly from behind me, getting a laugh from the whole team in response. Even the cheer squad finds his comment funny.

Yeah, it's fucking hilarious!

"I'd rather not lose my balls. – Blake chuckles and I almost smile at his slightly scared tone – And... she can hear you, you idiot." He taunts and I hear a loud smacking sound. Guess James got hit.

"Ow! Coach! He's picking on me!" James whines loudly.

I ignore the guys, focusing on calming my nerves. I'm about to call the company again when the bus finally arrives. The driver's about to fucking get it!

"Okay everyone, huddle up! – the coach hollers – I'm not your babysitter, so I won't watch over you, but if you do something that I don't like, I'll let our dear manager arrange your workout for a whole month. You've all seen what she can do, so don't test me." He threatens, getting a loud collective groan from the guys. They know better than to get on the coach's bad side and the coach knows I would pretty much torture the guys during practice if they disobey him. They had a taste of a good workout once and they whined about it for a week.

I glare at the bus driver who had the audacity to be over an hour late, but he looks completely unapologetic, as if he doesn't realize the trouble he created. But it's not the time to deal with him. We need to be on the road as soon as possible. I'll deal with him once we arrive.

With one last glare at the driver, I turn to the team and the cheer squad. "Okay, everyone! You already know who's going with whom, so get your stuff and get in the buses in orderly manner. I better not hear complains about your behavior." I sternly order, getting some amused looks from the girls from cheer squad.

"What about the fact that the bus was late? Can we complain about that?" The cheer squad captain, Miranda, questions with a raised brow, seeming annoyed with the situation. I get you, girl.

"Uh-oh. That was the wrong thing to say." Simon chuckles quietly, getting a laugh from the team but I ignore them.

"You can be goddamn sure I'll complain." I seethe with a malicious smirk. Miranda only nods in understanding, mirroring my smirk. I like this girl, she's smart, fierce and has great leadership skills. And anyone who can control a bunch of people without being hated by them is okay in my book. Had we not been so different, maybe we could even be friends.

"That's good to hear." Miranda grins ominously, throwing a furtive glance at the tardy driver, who's shamelessly smoking beside the bus. The list of complaints is just getting longer.

The team and cheer squad quietly get in the buses, while coach and I stay slightly behind, just briefly going over our plan for the trip. Because of this stupid delay, we'll reach Los Angeles later than anticipated unless we skip one break.

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