Chapter 13

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After a quick lunch with the guys, I go to the study to... study. One of the professors gave us an essay to write that's due next week and I want to get started on it. I don't like procrastinating.

"Kitten, would you like some coffee?" Blake peeks into the room, still not wearing anything but his boxers. Damn him, he's so freaking hot.

"Sure, thanks babe." I send him an air kiss, getting a grin in response before he leaves.

"One coffee for Lia." I hear him order from the kitchen. Oh, my Cakey.

I focus on my essay to distract myself from that fucking rose and note I found earlier. I don't even want to think who could've possibly sent that. It's not from him, at least I think so, since I don't think that fucker had already found me. It's way too soon.

Maybe it's only wishful thinking, but I seriously hope he didn't. I'm not ready to face him yet.

I have to talk to Blake about this. I don't like hiding things from him, I know he's worried about me.

It takes me barely few hours to finish my homework, since I already had some of the materials ready from last year. I also manage to finish up my project for the academy I go to for the architecture classes. I'm taking those so that when I take over dad's company, I know what I'm doing.

After I'm done with everything I had to do, I print out my notes from today for Blake then go to the living room, where I'm met by the guys watching TV and drinking beer.

"I thought you had enough drinks last night?" I tease, sitting beside Blake, snuggling into his side.

"Ha ha, you're so funny." Simon retorts dryly.

"I know." I smirk at him.

"Want one?" He asks.

I shake my head then realize he can't see me through Blake. "No, I don't like beer."

Blake doesn't say anything, just rubbing my arm slowly with his fingertips. Whenever I'm close to him, he uses every chance to touch me, and I love it. It warms my heart to see him so affectionate.

I, of course, reciprocate it, cuddling up to him all the time. I love being close to him, no matter if we're alone or not. If someone has problems with this, they can go fuck themselves. I'm coddling my man as much as I want and nothing will stop me.

"What're you thinking about? You look a bit dazed." Blake whispers after a while.

"Just how I love cuddling with you. And I don't care who watches." I smile at him, leaning my head against his shoulder sleepily. I'm finally feeling the effects of staying up all night and I just can't wait to go to bed.


I gaze at my kitten, amused to see her eyes slowly drooping. I lean down a bit to whisper into Lia's ear. "Kitten, why don't you go to bed? You look tired."

"I'm fine. I'd rather stay with you." She mumbles quietly, wrapping her arm around my bare stomach, snuggling even closer to me.

It doesn't even take five minutes for my kitten to fall asleep. I only shake my head at her. Adorable.

"She stayed up all night and didn't even go to sleep after we came here. She told me it wouldn't make sense to sleep for three hours." David chuckles when he notices that Lia's asleep.

"I'll take her to bed." I tell them, maneuvering myself to get off the bed without waking my girl. Then I pick her up bridal style, carrying her to our bedroom, where I lay her on the bed.

I'm about to tuck her in when I realize she'll be uncomfortable in the clothes she's wearing, so, being the helpful fiancé I am, I undress her, leaving her only in her black underwear. Then I carefully put one of my shirts on her before tucking her in with a kiss on her head.

I leave the bedroom, heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water for when my kitten wakes up then go back and set it on the nightstand. With a quick peck on Lia's forehead, I leave her to sleep peacefully.

"Simon, what's going on with that picture?" I question seriously once I'm back on the couch.

"I took a photo and already sent it to my buddies. They're going to spread it around the city, so if that guy shows up, we'll be the first to know." He replies, giving me a reassuring nod.

"Okay. Thanks."

"No problem."

"There is one, actually." David counters, getting confused frowns from the guys. He glances at me questioningly and I nod at him. "Lia got a rose and a note in the morning. It was taped to the door and there was no one around."

"Which means someone came here between five and eight a.m., secretly taped them to the door then left. And whoever it was, knew that Lia wasn't here before then, cause otherwise she would find it on the way home." I add, scowling at the thought of someone stalking my girl.

"Wait, wait, wait. Someone you don't know left a rose and a note on your door? That means they know where you live. It's getting serious, Blake." James stares at me gravely.

"I know." I sigh.

"What are you planning to do about this whole thing?" Simon asks curiously.

"I don't know yet. I'll have to talk to some more people. Guys, I'm going to tell you something, and I hope you don't judge."

"You know we won't. What is it?" David cuts me off, giving me an inquisitive serious look.

"You know how the owner of 'Vegas' is my and Lia's friend. – the guys nod slowly – He's a member of a biker club."

"But? I sense a 'but' coming." Dave pries.

"But they're one percenters. It means they're involved in illegal stuff." I almost wince at the blank looks on the guys' faces.

"And did you seriously think we'd judge you for being friends with them? Are you for real?" Simon huffs, exhaling in relief. "I got scared for nothing!" He scowls at me.

"You don't mind? Really?"

"Of course we don't. – David assures with a pat on my shoulder – It could actually be useful..." He smirks.

"Do they know about this whole thing?" James asks.

"Of course they do. But the club is from San Francisco, they don't have a lot of business here." I tell them.

The guys nod in understanding. "Alright then."

"Thanks guys."

"It's fine. Friends help each other." Dave deadpans.

We settle in comfortable silence after that exchange, just watching the movie. No one comments on what we talked about, taking it all in.

But that rose and note thing still bothers me.

I have to talk to Lia about it.

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