Chapter 32

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Oh god, my heart! I watch as the tattoo artist works on Blake's back, unknowingly giving me a heart attack. Blake is getting the same tattoo I have on my back. He just effortlessly turned the reminder of my nightmare into a sign of love. How is he real? How is he so perfect?

"I wish we were still doing that LA Ink show, you know. I have a feeling people would love your story." Mikey, the artist, starts conversationally.


"Why? – he chuckles incredulously – People love this kind of thing. The guy getting a tattoo just like the one on his woman's body. The same one that she uses to hide the scars from her past. If that's not love then I don't know what is." I can only smile fondly at my man. Yeah, he's amazing.

"Wait, how do you know about the scars?" I question curiously.

Blake takes my hand in his, pressing a kiss to the back of it. "In order to have the same tattoo as yours, I took a picture of your back." He admits quietly and I almost melt at his cute face.

"When did you do that?" I tease him.

"While you were sleeping." He grins.

"Did you just reference that Kdrama I watched a while ago? Really?" I laugh at him. He's so dorky sometimes.

"I did. I know you liked it." He grins, not at all bothered by the needle going through his skin.

"You guys are cute." Mikey comments, chuckling quietly.

"Thanks. We try." I grin cheerfully. I love bragging about our relationship.

It takes a while for Mikey to finish the tattoo, and thankfully he does it all at once, cause I don't know if we want to drive all the way to LA to finish it. Blake's tattoo will be a bit smaller than mine, since he has no need to cover any scars, but it's still gorgeous. The vines and roses that are wrapped around the skull are really detailed and artistic, and the skull itself is a perfect copy of mine. At first I was worried about how it'll look on him, but my Cakey is so handsome that everything fits him. Even a skull with roses wrapped around it and vines emerging from the skin. I knew he was great, but now he's even more amazing. He's doing so much for me. Every day, I fall in love with him more and more.

It's late afternoon when Mikey's finally done with Blake's tattoo and it looks... fantastic. I'm left breathless when my man presents it to me. He turned my nightmare into a dream.

I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss, not even caring about Mikey still being here. "I love you so much." I murmur against his lips, pecking them a few times.

"I know. – he smiles – I love you too."

"Okay lovebirds, I need to separate you for a moment. Get back on the bench and let me wrap you up." Mikey chuckles. I pull away from my man, but not before giving him last quick kiss, then let him lie face-down so Mikey can finish his job.

I can't wait for the tattoo to heal. It's going to look awesome!

"So, did you like your surprise?" My cheeky Cakey asks as I drive to the airport. Since the guys left earlier and I didn't drive my car here, we actually had to arrange our own transport home. Which is not a problem, cause I have already booked out flight on Monday, knowing we're not going to go home with the team. The only thing I didn't predict was that whole harassment of Vicky thing. But I have a feeling it'll be resolved easily.

"Of course I liked my surprise. Once you tattoo's healed, you can expect a reward." I grin at my man, rubbing his thigh.

"Damn it, now I have to wait." He groans in frustration, making me laugh.

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