Chapter 61

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I should have never given birth to you!

Anna's words resonate through my head as she storms out of the house. I stand completely frozen in my spot, stunned into silence by the hatred I heard in her voice.

It takes me a moment to snap out of my shock before I run upstairs to my and Blake's room, ignoring everyone calling out after me. I hurriedly take off the fuzzy pajamas I've been wearing and change into some jeans and one of Blake's hoodies then put on my boots, grab my wallet and phone and run back downstairs.

"Aiden, I need your car!" I rush to my brother, outstretching my hand to him demandingly.

He quickly digs into his pocket when he notices how agitated I am and hands me his keys. I quickly grab them and run outside to his truck before pulling out of the driveway like a madwoman. There's only one road leading from Joe's house, so I hope I can catch up to Anna before she gets away.

I speed through the streets in search of Anna's red Mercedes and when I finally spot her, I follow her all the way across the city until she pulls up in front of a big two-story house.

I park the car in the driveway then storm to the front door, banging on it furiously.

"What?! Did you come to beat me up with no witnesses? It's what you do best, isn't it?!" Anna snarls as she opens the door.

"Drop the act. – I tell her coldly – There's no audience anymore so you don't have to show off. I came to talk. One on one."

I can tell Anna's surprised by my tone. "Fine." She grumbles, letting me in.

I go to her living room and sit on the couch, getting a suspicious look from Anna as she takes out a bottle of brandy and a glass before she settles down on the armchair. "So what do you want to talk about?"

"I need to know the truth. No pretense, no acting, only facts." I state sternly.

Anna only stares at me silently for a while before sighing heavily. "You noticed."

"Of course I did. I'm a fighter, I have to see those things. I'm surprised no one else noticed; you're not exactly a good actress." I shrug, making her sigh deeply as she leans back in her seat.

"I despise you, Amelia. – Anna starts coldly – You ruined my life."

"You've already said that. What I want to know is why."

I wait patiently as she debates on what to tell me, sipping on her drink. "I was happy with Harold for the most of our marriage, but after we had the boys, our life changed. There were no longer just us. We had kids to take care of. The day-to-day routine of going to work, doing house chores and taking care of the kids killed whatever was left of our life before the boys were born. Then I met Alexander and it was like someone breathed new life into me.

The months I spent with Alexander were the happiest moments in my life, but I couldn't forget about my duties as Harold's wife and the boys' mother. My husband never suspected anything and I wanted to keep it that way.

But then, I got pregnant with you. – she sneers angrily – I never wanted another baby. It took me years to get back to my figure from before the previous pregnancies and I didn't want my body to be ruined again."

"That's not all, though, is it? You couldn't possibly hate me this much just for ruining your figure." I say, giving her a hard stare.

"No. That's not all. – she sighs – For months, I successfully hid my affair from my husband, but because of you... I could no longer do that. Harold knew that you weren't his. I begged him to not divorce me. I would be left with nothing if he did that and I would most likely lose custody of my sons. I couldn't risk that so I cut all ties with Alexander.

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