three. love

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warning super angsty and sad

IT WAS A KNOWN FACT THAT FIVE HARGREEVES WAS STONE COLD. During the apocalypse, he was thrown into the reality of life, that nothing mattered, and that wasting his time on grieving and thinking of what could have been was just a waste of time. Unlike Eight, he had learned to detach himself from his emotions, which came in handy with his work at the commission.

Having feelings only made you weak, but that was exactly what Eight was. She was his weakness.

Five built walls. Lots of them. He builds and he builds and he builds and he thinks they're so strong, but then Eight came along and tipped them over with only her fingers. With the weight of her breath. And around her, he was completely defenseless.

"Please don't call me that."

Love. Ever since a particular night back in the Apocalypse during their 24th birthday where both Eight and Five were at the brink of dying, Five thought that was it for them. He thought they would die in an alleyway full of rubble, starving to death, huddled against each other to create some sort of warmth to survive.

Then a miracle happened: when Five decided to stand up, he had come upon a bunker full of food and water with a bunch of objects that could last them a year. It was a close brush to death, which made him come to a realization that he was desperately in love with the girl in front of him.

He had called her love ever since.

Hearing those words come out of her mouth made him want to break out into a sob. He swore he could feel his heart shatter into a billion pieces. It feels like concrete drying in his chest. This heartbreak was unexpected, as they always are - top of the world one minute and cut down the next. Holding her in his arms for one minute and her standing six feet away from the next.

He wanted to beg. He wanted to convince her. He wanted to kneel in front of her and cry.

But Five did not. He only nods dully, continuing with his steps.

The two of them entered the building in pure silence, soon to be greeted by a lady at the front desk. Eight cringed as she saw a disturbing sight coming from one of the rooms, but made her way to the information desk despite this. Distraction. It would work.

"Hi," she said in a sweet tone. "We are here to visit Diego Hargreeves?"

"Just a moment." the woman smiled, taking out a large binder where all the patients' information was held. "What's your relation to him?"

"He's our brother. We want to visit him." Eight answered. She looked behind her to see Five who still had a look of worry on his face.

Eight ignored it.

She didn't know what she could've done if she stared at him for more than a second. So instead, she looked back at the lady who had a sad smile on her face. "I'm sorry.. but only one person is allowed to visit him right now."

Five marched his way up, about to threaten her until Eight stopped him. "It's okay. You can go. I'm not sure if I can see Diego right now."

Translation: Diego probably fucking hates me at the moment for trying to go kill everyone, and I don't want to see you for a bit to give myself some space. And I'm confused. Really confused.

"Are you sure?" Five asked carefully. He wasn't entirely sure whether he'd leave Eight on her own or not, since another being was also in her body and he knew what it was capable of.

And the other part was scared: what were they now?

Eight nodded, walking away from him. "I'll be around. You'll find me. I know you will." she smiled, and before Five could say anything back she was already making her way out of the building.

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