eight. manners maketh man

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"Come on, Eight." Diego grabbed her hand, but she quickly shook it away, spotting a tall building that was currently being constructed at her left. She still felt weird after the burden was dropped on her, and her hands were a bit sweaty. "Let's go there. It's too foggy where he's walking, and we won't spot him if we pass through that area. If watching through that building at least we can see him."

"Okay." Diego agreed to her since she was making a lot of sense. It was an unspoken thing between them when they were children that when one of them screwed up, the other would come to the rescue. It had always been like that ever since he could remember, which made him smile a little bit as he attempted to climb the ledge.

Eight watched in amusement as Diego struggled to climb the ledge as she easily floated her way up, giving him a snicker as he rolled his eyes playfully at her. Eight wanted to make fun of Diego more, especially at how annoying he was being, but she decided to go run ahead to keep on track of where Reginald was.

After a few seconds, Diego quickly ran after Eight who was holding on to one of the metal bars as she watched Reginald make a turn to where she couldn't see anything any longer. "Jump." she quietly whispered to Diego as she jumped from the high area, fortunately landing on her feet. Diego quickly followed suit, landing beside her.

The two of them quietly walked around the small area, trying to find Reginald who wasn't anywhere they looked at. Eight paused, turning her heel to look at Diego. She had just realized that they were looking for him without a concrete plan.

"How exactly are we going to confront him?" she asked, halting. "Are just gonna go 'Hey. We're from the future. You adopted us and we need you to help us save the world." she questioned, making Diego shrug his shoulders in response to her question.

"I don't know."

Eight's eye twitched in annoyance. "What do you mean you don't know? You could have thought of a plan while you were driving on our way here."

"I was driving, you should've thought of a plan."

"I was sleeping, Diego."

"You shouldn't have slept."

"I've had multiple mental breakdowns ever since I arrived. Plus, I've been trying to save the world for more than ten days now, Diego. I deserve some sleep. Besides-" Eight wasn't able to finish when she felt a thump beside her. She quickly turned around, ducking to avoid Reginald who let his foot out to kick her and quickly punched his jaw, causing him to stagger behind.

"Hitting a girl? Here I was thinking that you had manners." she mumbled sarcastically. Diego quickly bought his knife out, throwing it at Reginald in an immense speed but he had still managed to duck and avoid it. Eight was slightly amazed at how good his reflexes were.

"Diego!" a voice she immediately recognized started calling. Her heart started beating faster in nervousness as she remembered that Diego told Five to call him if he ever was in trouble. Eight glanced at Diego, who she assumed was going to do okay and quickly left his aid, running into the fog to check on Five.

She entered the building, running through the small walls as she made her way to the room that Five was currently in. He looked like he was in a lot of pain as he clutched his ear with a bit of blood leaking out of his hand.

"Lo-Five. What happened?" she asked in concern as he stared out a window that was now broken. "Uh, it was Pogo. At least I think it is." he mumbled, softly groaning as he touched his ear. It hurt, but he could handle it.

It had slipped accidentally. She didn't mean it at all, but there was no time to dwell on it, despite how it made her chest tighten.

"Where's Diego?" he asked, standing up and ignoring the pain that was coming from his right ear. Eight mumbled out a quick shit and stood up, running back to the area where she had previously been in. Five was confused since Eight left without a proper explanation, but he quickly ran after her as she made her way back to Diego who was in the warehouse.

Eight heard a rebar pole fall to the floor. Her eyes widened when she spotted Diego with a knife deep in his stomach, blood rushing out.

"Shit," she mumbled, running towards Diego and catching him before he fell to the floor. She quickly grabbed a knife from Diego's pocket, turned around and controlled it so it would hit Reginald's shoulder. The man flinched at this, looking behind him to see Eight giving him a death glare as he grabbed the knife and removed it from his skin.

"Five! Come on, help me. Diego got stabbed."


sorry for not updating i just feel like my writing really sucks and i'm extremely demotivated so yeah ://

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