thirty eight. hidden excerpts from Reginald Hargreeves journal.

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Hidden excerpts from Reginald Hargreeves journal.

November 1, 2000

I've managed to understand each child's powers; all except for Number Eight. Her powers are extremely tricky and confusing, even for a renowned genius like me.

After doing some more research on Akahnitamud, I have found out that she was Number Eight's biological mother. Must keep the girl from finding of this. It may lead to a lot of complications.

I've given other children a break from my evaluations. I don't need to test them one by one anymore as I completely understand their powers and the extent of it. Speaking of that, I must find a way to make Number Three shut her mouth so she cannot rumor people all the time. She has been taking too much advantage of her powers.

However, it is 3 am. I must sleep. Will start conducting several tests on Number Eight tomorrow. Hope I get more information on her very complex powers.

November 2, 2000

Nanny has informed me that Number Eight had fell asleep in the bedroom of Number Six. Number Six and Number Eight always had the strongest relationship out of everyone. I have made the decision of not making the two of them go against each other for their future trainings. They could make a possible alliance in the future.

Students had breakfast and were happy that training was cancelled for everyone but Number Eight. What a bunch of ungrateful brats.

Number Eight's training had started at 9 am in morning. Once I started the word that would make the being appear, I started to test out if the witch had more powers she bought with Number Eight.

One thing I have found out is that the witch can turn into a big mass of shadow and move at unbelievable speed. Started to test it out on Number Eight's body, but the weak girl had ended up fainting and Nanny had to bring her to the infirmary.

No serious injuries. Just exhaustion. Nanny had advised that I should skip a day of Number Eight's training, but I told her that I wouldn't do that. I must find out the ins and outs of her powers; or else I might just turn her into what I've did to Number Seven.

November 3, 2000

Nanny could wake up Number Eight today, and neither could I. The girl seems to be out cold. Must punish her tomorrow for refusing to train.

Since Number Eight had decided to be useless today, I have decided to do more research on human possessions and subject areas related to Number Eight's powers.

Found out vital information. Possession and body sheltering does not work in the way that I had initially thought it would be like.

I have found out that in one of the chapters that it works like a battery. If a living thing gets born with a spirit taking habitat in it's body; the body will go accustomed and think that the spirit is a part of them. It will grow dependent on this source of power.

When a battery is removed from a certain gadget, the gadget powers down since there is no source of energy. This situation is the same with what may or may not happen to Number Eight in the near future. Without Akahnitamud, her body will power down and be desperate for another energy source. Another battery.

I've came to the conclusion that Akahnitamud must stay in Number Eight's body at all costs. Experimenting with what would happen to herself if she defies this would be extremely dangerous. No matter what happens, Akahnitamud must stay in Number Eight's body.

November 4, 2000

Locked up Number Eight today as a punishment for sleeping in the other day. The girl called me a "bitch" which Number Four has presumably thought her. Nanny suggested that I teach Number Eight to not curse but I do not care about that.

Tested out Akahnitamud's shadow abilities again. It was mediocre at best; much like a slightly less stronger version of Number Five's powers.

After training, Numbers Eight and Six have been spending more time together. I am relived to find out that Number Six has been showing Number Eight some novels to read. It is extremely important that these children do not grow up dumb.

November 5, 2000

Woke up today to see everyone but Number One in the house. Number One has told me that the rest of them had went out to get doughnuts without my permission (and added that Number Eight was the person who started all of this) I gave Number One a reward for being such a loyal student and member of this academy.

However, when the other students come home, I must punish them. These children do not take anything seriously and they need to be taught a lesson so they would start to not defy orders. 

Especially Number Eight.

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