eleven. the deal

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THE GIRL WAS ABOUT TO LOSE HER MIND. She knew that Five was in the wrong that night and that she had every right to be distant after all the shit she had been put through, but she couldn't help but feel guilty as Five's words echoed in her head again and again like some sort of sick mantra, haunting her.

I'm trying to help you and you keep pushing me away. I'm giving you my all when you won't even open up to me.

Every time she thought of it, the pain was still right there. Only Five, who was the only one who had all the way inside her heart could shatter it with just a few words. But she couldn't help but think of him: what if he was right? What if pushing him away from her would do more harm than good as he said?

It was making her insane. It had only hit her now that she made a promise to give her life up to a Witch who could do it in a blink of an eye... just because she didn't want to face reality? Just because she wasn't sure what she was around Five anymore? Just because every time he would do something remotely caring, she would start to doubt everything?

Eight never considered herself a coward. Hell, she considers herself as one of the most selfless people she knows, but as she sat in the car, shivering from the cold, she couldn't help but think otherwise.

Sold her soul to a spirit just because she didn't want any confrontation. What a coward.

The girl looks at the building and a sigh escapes her mouth. What the hell happened to her? If you would have told Eight a month ago that she would turn into this mess of a person, she would've laughed. She would've shaken her head and dismissed it, the whole idea crazy to her.

She was Eight. She was supposed to be the strong one. She was supposed to be the levelheaded one. Not this.


Five jumped when he had heard the door to the building open. He quickly set down the cup of coffee he was enjoying and spacial jumped towards the entrance, his worrying eyes meeting up with Eight's empty ones.

"Where the hell have you been?" he asked in a mixture of anger and concern. Eight didn't reply, and Five was about to speak again until Eight cut him off, hugging him to stop him from doing anything. This took him by surprise, since Eight has been really distant since they arrived at this timeline but he hugged her back, nonetheless.

"Can we talk?" Eight asked softly.

Five smiled, relived that she was finally opening up to him. "Sure, love."

He doesn't see it, but she frowns.


Eight sat on the bench that was a few meters away from the building, sipping on her coffee in silence. They were supposed to talk in the kitchen but Lila was being really nosey so they decided to switch places. Five quickly looked around to see if no one was spying on them. Luckily, it was only the two of them who were at the location.

Eight sighed. How the hell was she supposed to explain everything to Five?

Just start off slowly. You don't wanna bombard him with too much information at once. Akahnitamud told her.

Eight shuddered, still not used to the whole feeling of Akahnitamud not being an asshole to her. Regardless, she decided to listen to the advice it had given to her.

"Don't get a heart attack or something, since I just found out a lot of things about myself. We still need to stop the apocalypse." Eight started off jokingly. Five let out a small chuckle, and now the high tension that they started off was gone. "I won't. Trust me."

"Okay." Eight put down the cup of coffee that was on her hand and let it rest on the bench.

"To start this off, Akahnitamud is my mother. I was supposed to visit her current body here since she just lives a few minutes away. But, I talked to her in the car earlier.." Eight paused, looking at Five to see if there were any negative reactions from him. There wasn't by far.

"I had a dad. Which is kinda weird since none of you had one. And Akahnitamud is somewhere near here. Also I made a deal with her to leave me alone until we stop the apocalypse, so I'm good for now." Five's mouth hung in confusion.

"If you're her daughter, why is she trying to kill you?" he questioned in genuine confusion. Eight held her breath, not wanting to tell Five about her agreement with Akahnitamud. It would kill him. "Doesn't matter. The point is, I'm finally gonna be normal from now on. Don't need to worry about me, okay?"

Five sighed. He hated feeling like this. There was a small voice in hi head trying to convince him that Eight was hiding something from him. He hated feeling like he couldn't trust the love of his life.

Eight's eyes suddenly lit up in joy. "Oh! By the way, I have a name now. I know you've been calling me Eight for 60 years, but I kind of like the name. It's Karina." Five smiled. The name that was given to her had really suited her. "And I understand if you don't wanna call me by that name. I mean, you've been calling me Eight for so long now and-"

"Karina is beautiful." Five smiled. Eight was honestly really shocked at this, since she expected him to keep on calling her by her old name since they had a lot of things going on at the moment, and her changing her name was really not of the most important thing right now.

"You're gonna start calling me that? I mean, we can wait after the-" she paused. Karina had forgotten about the deal she had made with Akahnitamud. Luckily for her, Five took no notice of this. "Yeah, I love it. It's a really beautiful name and it suits you so much, Karina."

She smiled at this. She had really loved how the way it rolled out of tounge. The name was perfect.

"Thanks for being really understanding, Five. I know this is kinda stupid and there's a lot more important stuff going on and-"

"Nothing is more important to me than you, Love."

For the first time in a while, she could help it.

Eight smiled.



if you notice my chapters are starting to get shorter,, this is kinda like my new writing style so bear with me

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