twenty seven. daddy issues

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EIGHT WASN'T DRUNK ANYMORE. The girl didn't know if this was some weird, undiagnosed superpower of hers or Akahnitamud suck in all the alcohol, but her head was clear: it was like nothing had happened.

Much as it confused her, it amused Eight as well. Maybe she should start day drinking more.

Five and Eight stood in front of the giant building. After spacial jumping towards every member of their family, and passing by June and Daniel who were apparently gonna spend the night doing something, they were now in front of the address that Reginald had written in the letter.

"Do you think they'd go in on time?" Eight asked Five, who was still staring at the building. The rest of their family were very untidy - so she wasn't expecting that much from them. Still, it would be nice if they actually came on time right now.

"I hope they do. Or else I'm kicking their asses one by one," he mumbled, starting to walk towards the elevator.

Eight stood behind him, her eyes scrunching as she took notice of Five's posture. He was walking like an old man whose back was failing him so much that he needed to slouch.

"Five, why do you walk like that?"

"I'm old," he replied nonchalantly, walking up the stairs that were heading to the elevator. Eight laughed dryly at his reply. "You need to walk properly, or else your body is gonna get used to you being all slouchy and you'll never get to straighten your back again."

Five shrugged, straightening his back. He felt a slight pang of pain but it eventually left. "After you," he told Eight, letting the girl go in the elevator before him.

The two of them stood in the elevator, and the doors were about to close on them until Diego entered, then Allison, then Klaus, Vanya, then Luther.

"We're all here. Good." Five mumbled, pressing the button once again for it to close. The seven of them waited as the elevator bought them to the desired floor, until a really bad smell suddenly surrounded them.

"Who farted?" Eight mumbled, plugging her nose to avoid the smell. They eventually found out it was Luther, who said that he was 'nervous'.

Once the elevator dinged, they all raced to get out of the small area. Eight examined her surroundings, and it looked like a restaurant of some sort.

"All right, when Reginald gets here, Eight and I'll do the talking, okay?" Five instructed, walking up to a chair. Eight took a seat on one of the chairs.

"Got a few questions for him myself." Diego interrupted.

Kennedy. Of course. Eight rolled her eyes, not even bothering to say anything.

"Hey, we don't wanna scare him off. He might be able to help us stop doomsday, get us home."

Eight laughed dryly. "Scared? Him?" The most emotionless man on this planet? she wanted to add.

"No, we need to figure out why he's planning to kill the president."

"Diego stop obsessing about the fucking president! There won't be a president if we don't stop doomsday, we need to focus on this first." Eight exclaimed, pissed that Diego was still on about his plan to save Kennedy.

"Okay, yeah, maybe we should take turns talking. Yeah?" Vanya mumbled, feeling the tension around the room. She grabbed a shell from one of the tables, showing it to everyone else. "Here, whoever has got this conch shell gets to talk."

"Vanya, we don't have time for a debate, okay?"

"Maybe I should lead. We all know I'm a better public speaker than the rest." Allison stated, grabbing the shell from Vanya.

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