thirty nine. harlan

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"I'm leaving."

Everyone snapped their heads towards Vanya. Daniel and Eight who were in the midst of making fun of Diego in their minds looked towards the girl, confused expression evident on both of their faces.

"Vanya, going out there is like going out in the middle of the crossfire. We are the most wanted people in the world right now we cannot risk this." Eight stated, leaning against the chair as she watched Vanya try her best to make up an answer.

"You need to come with me too, Eight. We need to go to Sissy's farm. There's something going on with Akahnitamud and Harlan."

"I thought Akahnitamud was dead?" Luther asked, confused at the situation. Eight heaved out a sigh as she stared at the big man. "Evil Akahnitamud is dead. Farm Akahnitamud isn't yet."

"Just let them be, we need to stick together. Besides, Eight, you don't have anything to do with this Akahnitamud right? We can't risk it." Luther instructed, looking at the small group.

"Whatever is going on with Harlan, I think I might have caused it," Vanya stated, ignoring Luther.

"But how?"

"He drowned, and, uh, somehow I was able to bring him back to life. And now it's like we're connected." Vanya had managed to explain it poorly, and it was evident that everyone else was still confused.

"Wh... What does that even mean?"

"I don't know. I can't explain, but... I know that he needs my help." Vanya sighed. "I need your help, too. I'm scared. And for the first time in my life, I don't wanna do it alone. I want my family by my side."

Eight chewed on her lip, examining the look on Vanya's face. Some part of her was sure that something will go wrong when she comes, but Vanya needed help: she couldn't just ignore that.

Everyone was torn whether they should go with Vanya or not. After a few minutes of silence, Diego spoke. "Look, I'm sorry. We have other priorities right now."

"Diego's right. For once. We need to make our stand here and now."

After a few beats of silence, Vanya looked around to see if anyone would follow her. It started off with Luther, then Diego, Allison, Klaus, Five, before she shot Eight a pleading look, who was still trying to think things through in her brain.

Vanya then sighed, leaving the room.

"I'm going after her," she whispered, jumping out of the chair to go after Vanya. All of the other people inside the store tried to stop her, and Five went as far as spacial jumping in front of her so she couldn't take a step longer, and Eight let out an annoyed sigh.

"Look. It's not just about Harlan, but it's about Akahnitamud too. I need to keep her safe."

"Why do you need to keep her safe?" Luther questioned, and Eight turned around to face the man with a look on her face that none of them could read. It was a valid question, considering that the being tried to kill her multiple times.

"Because if Akahnitamud somehow ends up dying in this timeline, she doesn't get pregnant then I don't get born. I cease to exist," she said simply, walking out the building before grabbing the car key out of Elliot's key handler.

"They're coming." Eight told Vanya, who look confused as she was in the car alone. "Trust me, they're going out."

As if on cue, Klaus, Diego, and Allison went out of the door and entered Vanya's car. Eight let out a giggle as she felt a lot of joy. "You guys bring Luther with you while I go take Five, June, and Daniel."

"You'll need us?" Daniel, who was outside the door, looked at her, confused. Eight just shrugged, powering up Elliot's small car. "We'll need all the backup we can get. No one knows how shitty this situation might be."

Five walked over to her, a small smile on his face as he held Eight's hands that were covered with gloves. "Promise me you wont get yourself killed." he joked, while the girl just gave him a teasing smile. "I could tell you the same thing......"

Five looked at her in confusion as she hesitated for a bit.

"... love."

He couldn't help but show her a bright smile. Eight felt a bit shy, so she snapped her head towards the door to go scream at both Jeongin and Nicole. "Hey asshats! Hurry up!"

Eight rolled up into a farm that looked way more different than what she has seen in her visions. There was a really strong snowstorm that was happening above the farm and the farm only. What was weird was that the snow wasn't white.

It was black.

"You think whatever's going on inside is causing the cold front?" Diego asked Five as he went down the car he and Eight rode.

"Well, the correlation is high," he replied, still not figuring out how snow could be black.

"Sissy! Sissy!" Vanya screamed at a blonde woman who went out with a shotgun.

"Get back! All of you, just get the hell back!"

"Sissy!" Vanya exclaimed once again, trying to calm the woman down. "Hey! Hey! What's wrong?"

"Carl." Sissy said simply, and Eight couldn't help but look at the sky. It was both fascinating and confusing at the same time to see the snow black.

"What did he do to you?"

"He's... He's dead. Harlan tossed him aside like a rag doll, same way you sent those policemen flyin'. What did you do to him?"

"No..." Vanya whispered.

"What the hell did you do to my son?

"Don't have time for this," Diego stated, about to walk to the cabin only for the gun to be pointed at him. "Where do you think you're going?"

"To help your son."

"Look, Sissy, I found my family. These are my brothers and my sisters." Vanya pointed towards them, and June and Daniel just hid behind the car to let them get their moment.

"Were you lyin' to me the whole time?"

"Of course not. Look, I didn't know who I was. But I do now. And we are not the monsters that they say we are. We did not kill the president. We are not terrorists. We're not here to hurt anyone." Vanya explained, and this seemed to calm Sissy down.

"Then... Who are you?"

"The only one who can help Harlan." Vanya replied sternly, and she pulled Eight over so she could go beside her. "And she's the only one who can help Akahnitamud."

if you like ******* and ****** you're gonna hate me for the next chapter.. scratch that ur gonna hate me for the next chapter in general i think
also this is gonna end pretty soon :( i might finish writing this in a day or two, maybe even tonight if i get inspired

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