twenty three. a sinister cabal

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EIGHT HAD BEEN STABBED IN THE BACK BEFORE. Lots of times, actually. She could recite every single one by memory, but the event that rose above them all was only recent: when she discovered that her relationships with the people she was the closest to were built with lies.

And in those forty minutes wherein she watched Diego from the front seat? She could easily recognize the look on his face. The look of pure betrayal.

Eight entered the building, with Five and her brother trailing behind her. The whole ride home was awfully quiet as they found out that there was one impostor among them.

The girl tried to not let herself show her brother a cocky grin while telling him "I told you so." Even though she hated Lila's guts, she could tell that the girl had been important to Diego and he was taking her loss not that well. Again, she hasn't seen that look since she was a child being locked in by Reginald with him.

Diego probably needed some alone time, and she knew that. If only Hazel wasn't kind enough to give that to her, she'd probably go crazy by now.

Her eyes widened when she spotted June fast asleep on the sofa while her head was rested on Daniel's shoulder. It seems like her stomach was already patched up, while there were a few bandages on Daniel's face.

Under the right circumstances, Eight would've found it cute. But June almost died and Daniel was badly injured - it was normal for the pair to be so tired that they just fell on the couch.

"They're kinda cute," Diego mumbled, looking at the two. "Reminds me of someone else." he teased, obviously pertaining to Five and Eight. Diego was trying to forget about what had just happened, and making fun of the two was one of his distractions. Five gave him a glare while Eight lazily let out her hand and focused on Diego, making the man fall down the stairs.

If he was hurt, he wouldn't be sad, right?

"Hey, that was uncalled for!" Diego exclaimed from the bottom of the staircase. Eight decided to ignore him, sitting down on a chair as she decided to ignore the blood that was running down her nose. The girl let her eyes rest as she shut them down until she felt cotton slightly dabbing into her face after a few minutes, which caused her to jump up.

What the absolute fuck?

As her eyes opened, she was face to face with a concerned Five, who was softly cleaning her wounds. "What are you doing?" she questioned, even though the answer was obvious.

"Cleaning your wounds."

"I'm fine, you should go clean up Diego first. He got beat up more than me." Eight tried to reason out, but Five firmly shook his head as he took a bandaid and carefully wrapped it on her cheek. Fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

He can't do this to her. He can't make her heart feel all weird when she was trying to achieve a fresh start: and that won't work if Five keeps acting like this.

"He can do it on his own. Don't worry about me, L— Eight. Just try to sleep, I'm almost done."

Eight couldn't even respond properly as she was already at the brink of falling asleep. The girl mumbled a soft "thank you." as she shut her eyes again, a few soft snores coming out from her mouth.

Five let out a smile at this, quickly kissing her forehead in admiration as he made his way to deal with the devil— or Diego.

Eight slowly opened her eyes, the rays of the sun hitting her. Compared to the day before, she felt much more energetic at the moment. She quickly scanned her surroundings, eyes softening as she spotted Five on the chair beside her, fast asleep.

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